DLL - Execute function



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Executes the specified method in a managed or unmanaged dynamic-link library (DLL) and stores the return value of the method in an Automate Desktop variable.

Practical usage

See Description.

WARNING: Incorrect usage of this activity can cause the task to fail or act erratically. Caution should be exercised when calling functions in this manner.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Dynamic-link library Text Yes (Empty) DLLFILEPATH="newlib.dll" Specifies the DLL in which to perform this activity on. Navigate to the appropriate DLL file. Thereafter, click the Load button to populate the Type (for managed DLL), Method Name and Method Return Value fields with the queried values.
Type (managed DLL) Text Yes (Empty) TYPE="newlib.dll" The DLL class which contains the available methods. After specifying a DLL file in the Dynamic-link library parameter, clicking the Load button will attempt to query available DLL types. Upon a successful query, all discovered types will be populated into this field. Clicking the down arrow corresponding to this field will display a full list of queried type names in which to select from.  
NOTE: This option is available only for managed DLLs.
Unload DLL after execution Yes/No No Yes UNLOADDLL="NO" If selected, Enabling this option allows the DLL in use to be unloaded (so it is accessible to other programs or system resources) directly after this action is executed. If this option is disabled, the DLL will not be unloaded until the task has completed (either successfully or unsuccessfully).
Method Name Text Yes (Empty) METHODENAME="name" Indicates the DLL method (or operation) to invoke. Upon selection of an available class as specified under the Type parameter, all discovered methods relating to that class will be populated into this field. Clicking the down arrow corresponding to this field will display a full list of queried method names in which to select from.
Method return value type Text (Options) Yes (Empty) RETURNTYPE="void" Specifies the type of return value for the method. Click the down arrow to display a drop-down list of available options.
Variable to populate with return value Text Yes (Empty) RESULTVARIABLE="myVar" Specifies the name of an existing variable to be populated with the return value of the selected method.
Create return complex type structure Text No (Empty) RESULTSTRUCTURE="structureName" Specifies the name of the structure created by the user.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Type Text (Options) No (Empty) ArgType="Int16" Allows you to select the type of argument you want to assign and its value. Click the down arrow to display a drop-down list of available options.
Value Text (Options) No (Empty) ArgValue="theValue" The corresponding value to set for the argument type. Click the Add button then enter a value to the argument list. Other options:
  • Move up - Moves the argument up the list.
  • Move down- Moves the argument down the list.
  • Add - Adds a new argument type and value.
  • Modify - Edits an existing argument.
  • Remove - Deletes an existing argument.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


Execute DLL function %AMTrigger.Value% from %AMTrigger.TaskLate%. Return type is Single. Place the return value into variable newvariable.

<AMDLL DLLFILEPATH="%AMTrigger.TaskLate%" METHODNAME="%AMTrigger.TaskValue%" RETURNTYPE="Single" RESULTVARIABLE="newvariable" />