MSMQ - List queue(s)


<AMMSMQ ACTIVITY="list_queues" CATEGORY="text" RESULTDATASET="text" LABEL="text" MACHINE="text" LISTYPE="text (options)" />

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Retrieves a listing of queues by type and populates a dataset with information regarding those queues.

IMPORTANT: MSMQ must be installed on the (local or remote) computer in order for these activities to function properly. MSMQ is bundled with most Microsoft Windows operating systems, however, it is not installed by default. For more details regarding the installation of MSMQ, see MSMQ Installation & Overview.

Practical usage

Used to get specific queue properties.



Parameter Type Required Default Markup Description
List type Text (options) Yes All public queues
  • LISTYPE="all"
  • LISTYPE="public_by_machine"
  • LISTYPE="public_by_label"
  • LISTYPE="public_by_category"
  • LISTYPE="private_by_machine"
The type of list to retrieve. The available options are:
  • All public queues - Retrieve a list of all public queues.
  • Public by machine - Retrieve public queues by machine name.
  • Public by label - Retrieve public queues by label.
  • Public by category - Retrieve public queues by category.
  • Private by machine - Retrieve private queues by machine name.
Computer name Text Yes, if List type is set to Public by machine or Private by machine (Empty) LDAPPATH=LDAP://DC=netauto,DC=com" The name of the computer in which to retrieve public or private queue information from. This parameter is active only if the List type parameter is set to Public by machine or Private by machine.
Label Text Yes, if List type is set to Public by label (Empty) LABEL="text" The label name of the public queue to retrieve information from. This parameter is active only if the List type parameter is set to Public by label.
Category (guid) Text Yes, if List type is set to Public by category (Empty) CATEGORY="text" The category of the public queue to retrieve information from. This parameter is active only if the List type parameter is set to Public by category.
Create and populate dataset with queue information Text Yes (Empty) RESULTDATASET="theDataset" The name of the dataset to create and populate with information pertaining to the retrieved queues. More on datasets below under Datasets.


Error Causes

On Error

Additional notes


A dataset is a multiple column, multiple row container object. This activity creates and populates a dataset containing a specific set of fields. The table below describes these fields (assuming the dataset name assigned was theDataset).

Name Type Return Value
theDataset.AccessMode Text Returns the path to the newly created queue.
theDataset.Authenticate Text Specifies whether the queue accepts only authenticated messages.
theDataset.BasePriority Number Specifies the priority level of the queue.
theDataset.CanRead True/False Specifies whether read access permissions are allowed for the queue.
theDataset.CanWrite True/False Specifies whether write permissions are allowed for the queue.
theDataset.Category Text The category level of the queue.
theDataset.CreateTime Date/Time The date and time when the public or private queue was created.
theDataset.DenySharedReceive True/False Specifies whether the queue requires encryption.
theDataset.EncryptionRequired True/False Specifies whether the queue requires encryption.
theDataset.FormatName Text The format name of the queue.
theDataset.ID Number The unique ID of the queue.
theDataset.Label Text A user defined description of the queue.
theDataset.LastModifyTime Date/Time The date and time when the queue was last modified.
theDataset.MachineName Text The name of the machine where the queue resides.
theDataset.MaximumJournalSize Number The maximum size of the queue journal.
theDataset.MaximumQueueSize Number The maximum size of the queue.
theDataset.MulticastAddress Text The multi-cast address associated with the queue
theDataset.QueueName Text The name of the queue.
theDataset.QueuePath Text The path name of the queue.
theDataset.Transactional True/False Indicates whether the queue supports transactions.
theDataset.UseJournalQueue True/False Indicates whether the queue is a journal queue.


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task gets a list of all public queues and populate a dataset with the results.

<AMMSMQ ACTIVITY="list_queues" RESULTDATASET="ds_queues" />