Multimedia - Set volume


<AMMULTIMEDIA ACTIVITY="volume" DEVICE="text (options)" VOLUME="text (options)" MUTE="on/off" VALUE="number" />

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Changes volume settings on the computer. Optionally, allows you turn mute on or off.

Practical usage

See Description.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Device Text (options) Yes Main Volume
  • DEVICE="main_volume"
  • DEVICE="window_sound"
The sound device on the system that should be acted upon. The available options are:
  • Main volume (default) - The main volume control should be adjusted (affects all devices).
  • Window sound - The Windows volume control should be adjusted.
Set volume Text (options) No (Disabled)
  • VOLUME="set"
  • VOLUME="increase"
  • VOLUME="decrease"
If enabled, specifies that the volume should be set to a particular value or increased/decreased by a certain increment. This parameter is disabled by default. The available options are:
  • Set to value - Sets the volume to a particular position as specified in the Adjust parameter. The range is 0-100.
  • Increase by value - Increases the volume by a the increment specified in the Adjust parameter.
  • Decrease by value - Decreases the volume by a the increment specified in the Adjust parameter.
Set mute Text (options) No Disabled
  • MUTE="on"
  • MUTE="off"
If enabled, turns mute on or off on the specified device. This parameter is disabled by default. The available options are:
  • Turn mute on - Turns the mute setting on at runtime.
  • Turn mute off - Turns the mute setting off at runtime.
Adjust Number No Current   VALUE="50" The value to set the volume at in correlation with the Set volume parameter.
Current --- --- --- --- Select Current to set the volume to the value currently set for the system.
NOTE: This parameter does not contain markup and is only displayed in visual mode for task construction and configuration purposes.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task decreases the volume level by 51.

<AMMULTIMEDIA ACTIVITY="volume" DEVICE="window_sound" VOLUME="decrease" VALUE="51" />