OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Activate worksheet



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Activates a specific worksheet from a workbook. The worksheet to activate can be specified by its name or current index. Performing this activity is equivalent to manually clicking the sheet's tab.

NOTE: Unlike Automate Desktop's Excel activities, the OpenDocument Spreadsheet activities do not require Microsoft's Excel engine to run. Supported file types include Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsb, *.xlsm ), Open document spreadsheet (*.ods) and CSV (Comma Separated Value) files (*.csv).

Practical usage

Used to activate an existing worksheet inside a workbook. For example, your workbook may contain 5 worksheets and you need actions to be performed on Sheet3. You must first activate Sheet3 in order to enable other ODS related activities to be performed on that sheet during subsequent steps.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Resource --- --- --- --- Indicates where the source workbook document should originate from. The available options are:
  • File (default) - The source document derives from a file located on the system. This option is normally selected if only a single activity is required to complete the operation.
  • Session - The source document is obtained from a pre-configured session created in an earlier step with the use of the OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Open/Create workbook activity. This option is normally selected if a combination of related activities are required to complete an operation. Consolidating several activities to a single session can eliminate redundancy. Moreover, a single task supports multi-session executions which can improve efficiency and speed up production.
NOTE: This parameter does not contain markup and is only displayed in visual mode for task construction and configuration purposes.

Resource - File

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Get document by Text (options) Yes, if Resource is set to File Open
  • CONNECTBY="open_workbook"
  • CONNECTBY="create_workbook"
Specifies whether to perform this activity on an existing document or a new one. This parameter is only active if the Resource parameter is set to File. The available options are:
  • Open (default) - Performs this activity on an existing document open during runtime.
  • Create - Performs this activity on a new document created during runtime.
File name Text Yes (Empty) WORKBOOK="C:\Temp\fileName.xls" If Get document by is set to Open, specifies the path and file name of the document to open. If Get document by is set to Create, specifies the path and file name in which to save the newly created document.
Password to open (optional) Text No (Empty) OPENPASSWORD="encrypted" The password required to open the document if it is password protected. This parameter is only active if Get document by is set to Open, or if Get document by is set to Create and Create from template is selected.
On completion Text (options) No Save
  • SAVETYPE="save"
  • SAVETYPE="save_as"
  • SAVETYPE="do_not_save"
Specifies what to do with the document upon completion of this activity. The available options are:
  • Save - Save changes to the default location. If this activity is performed on an existing document, changes will be saved to its current location. If performed on a new document, changes will be saved to the location specified under the File name parameter.
  • Save as - Save changes to the specified path and file name.
  • Do not save changes - Changes will not be saved.  
File Text No (Empty) DESTINATION="c:\temp\dest.xls" The path and file name of the file in which changes will be saved. Click the folder icon to open a standard Explorer dialog in order to navigate to the desired file or simply enter the path and file name in the provided text box. This parameter is only active if On completion is set to Save as.
Overwrite if workbook already exists Yes/No No No OVERWRITE="YES" If selected, the saved workbook will overwrite any workbook with the same name that exists in the destination. If disabled (default), an existing workbook with the same name will not be overwritten, however, an error will occur during runtime as a result of matching file names. This parameter is only active if On completion is set to Save as, and/or if Get document by is set to Create.
Create from template Text No No WORKBOOKTEMPLATE="C:\Temp\file.xls" If enabled, specifies the path and file name of a template file that already has preferred formatting in which to base the new workbook on. A template can include formatting, styles, standardized text such as page headers and row and column labels. This parameter is active only if Get document by parameter is set to Create. This parameter is disabled by default.
Overwrite if workbook already exists Yes/No No No OVERWRITEDESTINATION="YES" If selected, the saved workbook will overwrite any workbook with the same name that exists in the destination. If disabled (default), an existing workbook with the same name will not be overwritten, however, an error will occur during runtime as a result of matching file names. This parameter is only active if Get document by is set to Create.

Resource - Session

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Session Text Yes, if Resource is set to Session OPENDOCSession1 SESSION="mySession" The name of an existing session to associate this activity with. The default session name is OPENDOCSession1. This parameter is active only if Resource is set to Session.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Activate worksheet - By name --- --- --- --- If enabled, specifies that the worksheet to activate will be based on its name (for example, sheet1. sheet2, etc.). If this parameter is enabled, the Activate worksheet - By index parameter is ignored.
NOTE: This parameter does not contain markup and is only displayed in visual mode for task construction and configuration purposes.
Activate worksheet - By index Number Yes No BYINDEX="YES" If enabled, denotes that the worksheet to activate will be based on its current index. If this parameter is enabled, the Activate worksheet - By name parameter is ignored.
Name/Index Text/Number Yes (Empty)
  • WORKSHEET="Sheet1"
Specifies the name of the worksheet or current index of the worksheet in which to activate. If specifying an index, the left-most worksheet would be index 1 and the worksheet to its right would be index 2, etc.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task activates an Excel worksheet.

<AMODS ACTIVITY="activate_worksheet" CONNECTBY="text (optoins)" WORKBOOK="text" SAVETYPE="text (options)" DESTINATION="text" OVERWRITEDESTINATION="YES/NO" WORKSHEET="text" />