

Microsoft SharePoint collaboration software is emerging as one of the more powerful tools for companies that need to design and implement enterprise-scale solutions to meet business-critical needs, such as managing content, administering business processes and streamlining how people find and share information across the network. The SharePoint system is composed of a full range of applications and tools that allow document management, workflow design and collaboration, which helps teams stay connected and productive by providing easy access to the people, documents, and information that can help in decision making and getting work done.  

With the use of Automate Desktop's SharePoint activities, organizations have the power to automate all SharePoint business and IT processes on a single platform. Automate Desktop's native SharePoint support delivers a comprehensive automation solution, enabling businesses to integrate SharePoint with disparate applications across their network. Automate Desktop's pre-built SharePoint activities and drag-and-drop interface automate the management and administration of SharePoint users, sites, libraries, workflows, and lists. With Automate Desktop’s SharePoint activities, you can:

  • Implement code-free SharePoint automation
  • Save time uploading or downloading files to SharePoint sites
  • Eliminate latency, errors, and operational costs
  • Retrieve and control SharePoint workflows
  • Manage SharePoint users and groups
  • Check files in and out automatically
NOTE: SharePoint-related error messages appearing in Automate Desktop are sent from your SharePoint site or server. Automate Desktop displays these messages verbatim. For information on SharePoint error messages, refer to Microsoft's SharePoint documentation.

Available activities

The following table briefly describes the available activities for this action arranged in alphabetical order:

Activity Description
SharePoint - Add attachment Adds an attachment to the specified item in a SharePoint list.
SharePoint - Add list item Adds an item to an existing SharePoint list.
SharePoint - Add user to group Adds a user to the specified group.
SharePoint - Add view Creates a view with the specified name, view fields, query, row limit, and denotes whether or not it is the default view.
SharePoint - Backup site Performs a site collection backup.
SharePoint - Cancel workflow Cancels a SharePoint workflow in progress based on its instance ID.
SharePoint - Check in Checks in a document.
SharePoint - Check out Checks out a document.
SharePoint - Copy file Copies a file from the source URL to the destination URL.
SharePoint - Create folder Creates a folder in an existing document library.
SharePoint - Create group Creates a new SharePoint group.
SharePoint - Create list Creates a new SharePoint list.
SharePoint - Create role Creates a new role assignment in which to add items to.
SharePoint - Create session Creates a new SharePoint session in which to attach subsequent SharePoint related activities to. This allows multiple sessions to exist within the same task. To end a session, use the SharePoint - End session activity.
SharePoint - Create site Creates a new SharePoint site.
SharePoint - Create user alert Creates a user alert which is used to notify a user of changes to SharePoint content.
SharePoint - Delete attachment Deletes an existing attachment from the specified SharePoint list.
SharePoint - Delete file Deletes an existing file or document in a SharePoint library.
SharePoint - Delete folder Deletes a folder in an existing document library.
SharePoint - Delete group Deletes an existing group.
SharePoint - Delete list Deletes an existing list.
SharePoint - Delete role Deletes an existing role.
SharePoint - Delete site Deletes an existing SharePoint site.
SharePoint - Delete user alert Deletes a specific alert assigned to a user identified by the Alert ID.
SharePoint - Delete view Deletes a view from a SharePoint list.
SharePoint - Describe list Retrieves list information and populates a dataset with results.
SharePoint - Discard check out Discards an existing check out.
SharePoint - Download attachment Downloads an attachment from a list item in a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Service.
SharePoint - Download file(s) Downloads the files specified from the SharePoint site. To specify more than one file, use wildcard characters (for example, * or ?). To specify multiple files and/or file masks, separate each entry with a pipe character (|) (for example, c:\temp\*.txt|c:\backup\*.bak). See File Masks & Wildcards for more details.
SharePoint - End session Ends a SharePoint session initially created with the use of the SharePoint - Create session activity.
SharePoint - Get attachment(s) Retrieves attachments from the specified list item and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Get file(s) Retrieves files from a SharePoint library.
SharePoint - Get folder(s) Retrieves folders from a SharePoint library.
SharePoint - Get group(s) Retrieves available groups and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Get list(s) Retrieves available lists and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Get list item(s) Retrieves list items and populates a dataset with the results.  
SharePoint - Get role(s) Retrieves available roles and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Get site(s) Retrieves available sites and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Get user(s) Retrieves available users from the specified group and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Get view(s) Retrieves views from a SharePoint server and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Get workflow(s) Retrieves information with regards to existing workflows and populates a dataset with results. This activity supports retrieval of site and list workflows.
SharePoint - Get workflow instance(s) Retrieves information with regards to existing workflow instances and populates a dataset with results. This activity supports retrieval of site and list workflow instances or data can be retrieved from instances associated to a particular workflow ID.   
SharePoint - Grant permission Adds the user to the specified role definition.
SharePoint - List audit log(s) Retrieves a list of audit logs for a site collection and populates a dataset with results.
SharePoint - List user alert(s) Retrieves a list of user alerts and populates a dataset with results.
SharePoint - Move file Moves a file from the source URL to the destination URL.
SharePoint - Remove list item Removes an item from the specified list.
SharePoint - Remove permission Removes the specified user from the specified role definition.
SharePoint - Remove user from group Removes the specified user from the specified group.
SharePoint - Rename folder Renames a folder from the specified SharePoint library.
SharePoint - Restore site Restores a site that has  been previously backed up.
SharePoint - Resume workflow Resumes a suspended SharePoint workflow based on its instance ID.
SharePoint - Search site(s) Retrieves available sites/sub-sites from a SharePoint server and populates a dataset with the results.
SharePoint - Start workflow Starts a SharePoint workflow.
SharePoint - Suspend workflow Suspends a running SharePoint workflow based on its instance ID.
SharePoint - Terminate workflow Terminates a SharePoint workflow based on its instance ID.
SharePoint - Update group Updates information for the specified group.
SharePoint - Update list Updates a list based on the specified field definitions and list properties.
SharePoint - Update list item Updates an item from the specified list.
SharePoint - Update role Updates information for the specified role definition.
SharePoint - Update site Updates information for the specified site.
SharePoint - Update user alert Updates the settings and content of an existing user alert.
SharePoint - Update view

Updates an existing view's attributes (for example, row limit, columns, mark as default, etc.).

SharePoint - Upload file(s) Uploads one or more local files to a SharePoint library.