SharePoint - Create user alert


<AMSHAREPOINT ACTIVITY="create_useralert" SITEURL="text" USER="text" USERFILTER="text (options)" LIST="text" ITEMID="text" TITLE="text" TYPE="text (options)" EVENT="text (options)" FREQUENCY="text (options)" />

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Creates a user alert which is used to notify a user of changes to SharePoint content.

  • This activity only supports SharePoint 2016 and 2019 Server with the 64-bit version of Automate Desktop.
  • SharePoint-related error messages appearing in Automate Desktop are sent from your SharePoint site or server. Automate Desktop displays these messages verbatim. For information on SharePoint error messages, refer to Microsoft's SharePoint documentation.

Practical usage

Alerts are notifications of changes to content on a site that you receive as email messages or text messages to your mobile phone. This activity allows you to create a user alert for yourself or for other people if you are a site administrator.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Site Text Yes (Empty) SITE="http:/yServer/h/mi" The SharePoint site from which to create a user alert. A SharePoint site is a collection of pages, site templates, lists, and libraries configured for the purpose of achieving an express goal.
User Text Yes (Empty) USER="theUser" Specifies how to identify the user to create a user alert for. The available options are:
  • Login - Identifies the user's by their login name.

  • Email - Identifies the user by their email address.

Title Text No (Empty) TITLE="theAlert" The name of the alert to create.
Type Text (options) No Email
  • TYPE="email"
  • TYPE="SMS"
The type of alert to create. The available options are:
  • Email - The alert to create will be an email alert.
  • SMS - The alert to create will be an SMS alert.
List title Text Yes (Empty) LIST="theList" The name of the list in which an alert will be created. Click the folder icon to open the SharePoint Browser which enables easy navigation to the desired list.
Item ID Text Yes (Empty)


The unique identifier of the list item in which an alert will be created.
Event Text (options) No All
  • EVENT="All"
  • EVENT="Add"
  • EVENT="Modify"
  • EVENT="Delete"
  • EVENT="Discussion"
The type of  event to which the alert applies. The available options are:
  • Doesn't matter - The event type is irrelevant.
  • All - The alert applies to all events pertaining to the list or list item.
  • Add - The alert applies additions to the list or list item.
  • Modify - The alert applies to all changes made in a list or list item.  
  • Delete - The alert applies to deletion of a list or list item.
  • Discussion - The alert applies to changes in Web discussions.
Frequency Text (options) No


  • FREQUENCY="immediate"
  • FREQUENCY="Daily"
  • FREQUENCY="Weekly"
The frequency in which the alert should be sent. The available options are:
  • Doesn't matter - The alert frequency is irrelevant.
  • Immediate - The alert is immediate. Immediate alerts are not actually immediate; they are sent after a delay that is determined by the timer interval.  
  • Daily - The alert is sent on a daily basis.
  • Weekly - The alert is sent on a weekly basis.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task creates a SharePoint user alert.

<AMSHAREPOINT ACTIVITY="create_useralert" SITEURL="http://myServer/myFolder" USER="" USERFILTER="email" LIST="theList" ITEMID="D1F15740-4A56-4681-8C12-1DFBF346323B" TITLE="myAlert" EVENT="delete" FREQUENCY="daily" />