Text - Insert


<AMTEXT ACTIVITY="insert" INSERTTEXT="text" TARGETTEXT="text" RESULTVARIABLE="sdf" ACTION="text (options)" POSITION="number" />

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Inserts a specified string of text into the beginning, end or precise position of an existing text value and populates a variable with the combined text contents.

Practical usage

Used as a text manipulation tool to insert new text into an existing text value.


TEXT="My name is Joe"


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Text to insert into Text Yes (Empty) TARGETTEXT="Smith" The target text in which to insert characters. As with every text parameter, if the data you wish to insert is contained in a variable, simply enter the variable name surrounded by percentage signs (for example, %VarName%) to resolve it to its contents at runtime.
Action to take Text (options) No insert_beginning ACTION="insert_end" Indicates the location in the target text in which characters should be inserted into. The available options are:
  • Insert at beginning - The text is inserted at the beginning of the target text.
  • Insert at end - The text is inserted at the end of the target text.
  • Insert at position - The text is inserted at a specific position of the target text.
Position to insert text Number No (Empty) POSITION="3" The position in the text to perform the insert. This parameter is available only if the Action to take parameter is set to Insert at position.
Characters to be inserted Text Yes (Empty) INSERTTEXT="Hello" The characters that should be inserted.
Populate variable with result Text Yes (Empty) RESULTVARIABLE="varname" The name of an existing variable to populate with the new value after character insertion is performed.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task displays a message box showing the value of a variable before and after a Text - Insert activity is used.

<AMSHOWDIALOG>The value before character insertion is '%theTargetText%'.</AMSHOWDIALOG>
<AMTEXT ACTIVITY="insert" INSERTTEXT="World" TARGETTEXT="%theTargetText%" RESULTVARIABLE="theTargetText" ACTION="insert_end" />
<AMSHOWDIALOG>The new value after character insertion is '%theTargetText%'.</AMSHOWDIALOG>