VMware Host - List registered VMs


<AMVMWAREVM ACTIVITY="list_registeredvms" SESSION="text" HOSTTYPE="text (options)" SERVER="text" USERNAME="text" PASSWORD="text (encrypted)" CONNECTIONTIMEOUT="number" />

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Retrieves information in regards to all registered virtual machines and populates a dataset with the results. Ample information can be gathered, such as path, display name, power state, allocated memory, CPU count and much more.

Practical usage

Ideally used as a means to manage multiple registered VMs (added to inventory).



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Connection --- --- --- --- Indicates where this activity's connection properties should originate from. Different parameters become active depending on the option selected. This is a visual parameter used only during design-time, therefore, contains no properties or markups. The available options are:
  • Host (default) - A custom set of credentials will be entered for this activity. This option is normally selected if only a single activity is needed to perform an operation.
  • Session - Credentials derive from a session created in a previous step with the use of the VMware Host - Connect activity. This allows several activities to be linked to a single session, eliminating redundancy. Multiple sessions can exist in a single task.
Session Text Yes, if Connection is set to Session VMOpsSession1 SESSION="VMO101" The name of a session (created in a previous VWmware Host - Connect step) in which to link this activity. This parameter is active only if the Connection parameter is set to Session.
Host type Text (options) Yes, if Connection is set to Host VIServer
  • HOSTTYPE="Server"
  • HOSTTYPE="Workstation"
  • HOSTTYPE="VIServer"
  • HOSTTYPE="Player"
The type of VM host to establish a connection with. This parameter is active only if the Connection parameter is set to Host. The available options are:
  • VMware Server (1.0x)
  • VMware Workstation
  • VMware VI Server (ESX/ESXi, vCenter, VMware Server 2.0) (default)
  • VMware Player
Host name Text Yes (Empty) SERVER="host.server.com" The hostname or IP address of the computer where the virtual machine is located. This parameter is active only if the Host type parameter is set to VMware Server (1.0x) or VMware VI Server (ESX/ESXi, vCenter, VMware Server 2.0).
Username Text No (Empty) USERNAME="MsPacman" The username identifying a valid user account on the machine. This parameter is active only if the Host type parameter is set to VMware Server (1.0x) or VMware VI Server (ESX/ESXi, vCenter, VMware Server 2.0).
Password Text No (Empty) PASSWORD="encrypted" The password identifying a valid user account on the machine. This parameter is active only if the Host type parameter is set to VMware Server (1.0x) or VMware VI Server (ESX/ESXi, vCenter, VMware Server 2.0).
Connection timeout Number No 60 CONNECTIONTIMEOUT="50" The maximum time period in seconds during which a connection must be established between the guest and host, otherwise, the step times out. The default value is 60 seconds.

Virtual Machine

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Create and populate dataset with VM information Text Yes (Empty) RESULTDATASET="theDataset" The name of the dataset in which to populate with information in regards to the registered virtual machines. For more information, see Datasets.


Error Causes

On Error

Additional notes


A dataset is a multiple column, multiple row container object. This activity creates and populates a dataset containing a specific set of fields in addition to the standard dataset fields. The table below describes these fields (assuming the dataset assigned is named theDataset).

Name Type Return Value
theDataset.CPUCount Number Returns the number of processors.
theDataset.IsPaused True/False Returns whether the registered VM is paused. True if it paused, false if it is not paused.
theDataset.IsRecording True/False Returns true if the registered VM is recording, false if it is not.
theDataset.IsReplaying True/False Returns true if the registered VM is replaying, otherwise returns false.
theDataset.IsRunning True/False Returns true if the registered VM is running, false if it is not.
theDataset.IsSuspended True/False Returns true if the registered VM is suspended, false if it is not.
theDataset.MemorySize Number Returns the total memory size allocated to the registered VM.
theDataset.PathName Text Returns the path of the registered VM. (Example: [HPvd01_001] WinServer2008x64_1/WinServer2008x64.vmx)
theDataset.PowerState Number Returns the power state of the registered VM.
theDataset.Description Text Returns a description of the registered VM.
theDataset.DisplayName Text Returns the display name associated to the registered VM.
theDataset.IsReplayable True/False Returns true if the registered VM is re-playable, false if not.
theDataset.Path Text Returns the path of the registered VM.


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task creates a VM session and powers on a VM image. It then retrieves a list of registered VMs and stores them into a dataset. A loop is performed on the dataset. During each iteration, a message box displays information about the current VM on the list.

<!-- Create virtual machine connection of host type "Workstation" / Create and start session named "VMOpsSession1" -->
<AMVMWAREVM ACTIVITY="connect" HOSTTYPE="Workstation" SESSION="VMOpsSession1" />
<!-- Power on virtual OS image -->
<AMVMWAREVM SESSION="VMOpsSession1" VMPATH="F:\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64\Windows Server 2008 x64.vmx" LAUNCHGUI="YES" />
<!-- List registered VMs -->
<AMVMWAREVM ACTIVITY="list_registeredvms" SESSION="VMOpsSession1" RESULTDATASET="registeredVMs" />
<AMLOOP ACTIVITY="dataset" DATASET="registeredVMs" />
<AMSHOWDIALOG WINDOWTITLE="Registered VM information">VM display name - %registeredVMs.DisplayName%VM path - %registeredVMs.path%VM memory size - %registeredVMs.MemorySize%VM number of processors - %registeredVMs.CPUCount%</AMSHOWDIALOG>
<!-- Power off virtual machine -->
<AMVMWAREVM ACTIVITY="poweroff_vm" SESSION="VMOpsSession1" VMPATH="F:\Virtual Machines\Windows10 x86\Windows 10.vmx" TIMEOUT="3" OPENVMTIMEOUT="3" SOFT="YES" TOOLSTIMEOUT="3" />
<!-- Disconnect virtual machine connection / End session -->
<AMVMWAREVM ACTIVITY="disconnect" SESSION="VMOpsSession1" />