Wait - Until date/time


<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="date_time" TIME="text (time serial)" DAY="text (options)" DATE="text (date serial)" />

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Pauses execution at the current step until a specific date/time. The time specified can be set in accordance to the day this activity initially executed, the day after this activity initially executed, on a specific day of the week or on a specific date.

Practical usage

Similar to the Wait for duration activity. This activity can be used to pause task execution until an exact date / time.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Wait until Text Yes (Empty) TIME="%TimeSerial(15,08,34)%" The specific time to wait until. This value corresponds directly with the value selected in the Day parameter.
Day Text (options) No Any Day
  • DAY="any"
  • DAY="sameday"
  • DAY="nextday"
  • DAY="day"
  • DAY="specdate"

The day or specific date to wait until in accordance with the time specified in the Wait until parameter. The available options are:

  • Any day - Day preferences are omitted. Execution proceeds at the time entered in the Wait until parameter on any given day.
  • On the day the action is executed - Execution proceeds on the same day at the time entered in the Wait until parameter.
  • On the day following the day the action is executed - Execution proceeds on the following day at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • On a specific day of the week - Execution proceeds on the specified day of the week at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • On a specific date - Execution proceeds on a specific date at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
Day of the week Text (options) Yes if set to On specific day of the week Sunday
  • DAYOFWEEK="sunday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="monday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="tuesday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="wednesday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="thursday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="friday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="saturday"
 The day of the week that this step will wait until. This parameter is available only if the Day parameter is set to On a specific day of the week. The available options are:
  • Sunday - Execution proceeds the following Sunday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Monday - Execution proceeds the following Monday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Tuesday - Execution proceeds the following Tuesday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Wednesday - Execution proceeds the following Wednesday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Thursday - Execution proceeds the following Thursday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Friday - Execution proceeds the following Friday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Saturday - Execution proceeds the following Saturday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
Specific date Text Yes if set to On specific date (Empty) DATE="%DateSerial(2010,07,15)%" The specific date that this step will wait until. This parameter is available only if the Day parameter is set to On a specific date.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


Pause task execution until "Monday" at "4:00:00 PM".

<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="date_time" TIME="%TimeSerial(16,00,00)%" DAY="dayofweek" DAYOFWEEK="monday" />