XML - Validate



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Validates that an XML file in session is well-formed, schema compliant or DTD compliant.

IMPORTANT: The use of Automate Desktop's XML activities requires a fundamental understanding of XML schema and general knowledge of XML-related terms, such as Nodes, XPath, DTD and XSLT.  

Practical usage

See Description.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Resource --- --- --- --- Denotes where the XML data should originate from. This is a visual mode parameter used only during design-time, therefore, contains no properties or markups. The available options are:
  • File - XML data originates from a new or existing file or the specified text. This option is normally selected for shorter tasks that may require only one or two XML related activities to complete.
  • Session (default) - XML data originates from an existing session that was created in a previous step with use of the XML - Create session activity. This option is normally selected for longer, more complex tasks that may require multiple activities. Linking several activities to a single session eliminates redundancy. Additionally, a single task supports simultaneous execution of multiple sessions, improving overall efficiency.
Session Text Yes, if Resource parameter is set to Session XMLSession1 SESSIONNAME="myXMLSession" The name of an existing session in which to associate this activity with. As a safety measure, when a session is created, the XML file bound by that session is saved in memory and the original file is locked. Any modifications by subsequent XML related steps are performed on a copy of the XML data saved to memory. Use the XML - Export or XML - Save activity to output the in-memory representation of the XML session to a file or variable. To end the session, use the XML - End session activity. 
Create XML session from Text (options) Yes, if Resource parameter is set to File Existing file
  • XMLDOCUMENTFROM="existingfile"
Specifies where the XML data should derive from. The XML data will be saved into memory. Different parameters become active depending on which option is selected. The available options are:
  • Existing file (default) - The XML data originates from an existing file. This option allows you to browse for an existing XML file to use.
  • New file - Creates a new XML file to use.
  • Text -  The XML data originates from specific text.
File Text Yes, if session created from a new or existing file (Empty) FILE="c:\foldername\file.XML" The path and file name of the new or existing XML file. This parameter is active only if the Create XML session from parameter is set to Existing file or New file.
Overwrite if file exists Yes/No Yes, if XML session derives from a new file No OVERWRITEFILE="YES" If selected, specifies that if an XML file with the same name already exists at the specified location, it will be overwritten with the new file. If disabled (default), the step fails if the file already exists. This parameter is active only if the Create XML session from parameter is set to New file.
Root node name Text Yes, if XML session derives from a new file (Empty) ROOTNODENAME="Fortra" The root node name for new XML file. This parameter is active only if the Create XML session from parameter is set to New file.
Root node value (optional) Text No (Empty) NEWVALUE="Value" The root node value for the new XML file. This parameter is active only if the Create XML session from parameter is set to New file.
Default namespace prefix (optional) Text No (Empty) DEFAULTNSPREFIX="edi" The prefix of the default namespace for the new XML file. A namespace prefix is a text string assigned as an element name prefix to a namespace. When an element name is preceded by the prefix and a colon, then that element is in that assigned namespace. This parameter is active only if the Create XML session from parameter is set to New file.
Default namespace URI (optional) Text No (Empty) DEFAULTNAMESPACE="http://net.com/schema" The default namespace URI for the new XML file. An XML namespace is a collection of element type and attribute names that are uniquely identified by the name of the unique XML namespace of which they are a part. This parameter is active only if the Create XML session from parameter is set to New file.
Text Text Yes, if XML session derives from text (Empty) XMLTEXT="theText" The text that the XML data should originate from. This parameter is active only if the Start XML session from parameter is set to Text.
Attribute Name Text No (Empty) Name="AttribName" The name portion of the attribute name-value pair to insert. Use this parameter to insert attributes into the new node. To enter a new row of values select Click here to add new row. To delete an existing row, click the red "X." This parameter supports insertion of multiple attribute name value pairs.
Attribute Value Text No (Empty) Value="AttribValue" The value portion of the attribute name-value pair to insert. Use this parameter to insert attributes into the new node. To enter a new row of values select Click here to add new row. To delete an existing row, click the red "X." This parameter supports insertion of multiple attribute name value pairs.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Validation type Text (options) Yes Key Container
  • VALIDATIONTYPE="well_formed"
The type of validation that the in-memory XML document should pass through. The available options are:
  • Well-Formed (default) -  Specifies that the XML file conforms to the rules that govern a well-formed document.
  • Schema - Performs XML Schema validation. Validates with a schema. Default attributes are expanded from schema. Type information is supplied.
  • DTD - Performs DTD validation. Default attributes and entities are expanded. General entities are loaded and parsed only if they are used (expanded). No type information is supplied.
Schema files Text Yes, if validation set to schema (Empty) FILENAME="C:\Schema\database.xsd" Specifies the schema files to validate the in-memory XML document against. This parameter is available only if the Validation type parameter is set to Schema. Click the folder icon to navigate to the schema (.xsd) file in which the in memory XML file will be validated against. To remove an existing schema file, click the red "X." This parameter supports selection of multiple schema files.


Error Causes

On Error

Additional notes

XML Levels of Accuracy

An XML document has two levels of accuracy:

  1. Well-formed - A well-formed document conforms to all of XML's syntax rules. For example, if an element has an opening tag with no closing tag and is not self-closing, it is not well-formed. A document that is not well-formed is not considered to be XML and a conforming parser is not allowed to process it.
  2. Valid - A valid document additionally conforms to some semantic rules. These rules are either user-defined, or included as an XML schema or DTD. For example, if a document contains an undefined tag, then it is not valid; a validating parser is not allowed to process it


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task validates that XML file adheres to the specified schema.

<AMXML ACTIVITY="validate" SESSION="Two" VALIDATIONTYPE="schema"><SCHEMA FILENAME="C:\Tutorials\XML Data\Schema Files\booksSchema.xsd" /></AMXML>