#EncryptingCert Comment
'#EncryptingCert certkey ["prompt" [passphrase]]
The EncryptingCert comment indicates that the current project/macro/module is encrypted with an Encryption certificate. Encrypting takes place when the current project/macro/module is saved.
Projects: A '#EncryptingCert comment in a project's module is ignored. The project itself contains the '#EncryptingCert comment for all the modules in the project.
A reference to the current project/macro/module can be protected by incorporating the certkey into the macro/module name.
'#Uses "SecureCode.bas/00000003"
This provides a high level of confidence that the referenced code (SecureCode.bas) has not been tampered with.
Encryption does not prevent users from viewing encrypted code. Use '#ViewingCert to do that.
Your application may not support script encryption. (The application's certificate must have the Encryption option.)
The passphrase for Encryption certificate 00000003 is "eval-enc". This certificate can only be used from WinWrap Director.
Parameters | Description |
certkey | This Encryption certificate provides the encryption key. It also provides the passphrase for encrypting. A successfully entered passphrase is cached for 5 minutes. (The code can be decrypted and executed by using the Decryption certificate without a passphrase.) |
prompt | This text is used as the prompt when requesting the passphrase. If omitted the certificate's prompt is used. |
passphrase | The remainder of the comment text is used as the initial passphrase during the confirmation process. |
'#EncryptingCert 00000003 "WinWrap Director Encryption Protection" eval-enc '#ViewingCert 00000004 "WinWrap Director Script Protection" Sub Main End Sub