Private Definition


Private [WithEvents] vardeclaration[, ...]




Create arrays (or simple variables) which are available to the entire macro/module, but not other macros/modules. Dimension var arrays using the dimensions to establish the minimum and maximum index value for each dimension. If the dimensions are omitted then a scalar (single value) variable is defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any dimensions. It must be ReDimensioned before it can be used. The Private statement must be placed outside of Sub, Function or Property blocks.

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Private A0, A1(1), A2(1,1)
Sub Init
    A0 = 1
    A1(0) = 2
    A2(0,0) = 3
End Sub
Sub Main
    Debug.Print A0; A1(0); A2(0,0) ' 1 2 3
End Sub