Format User Defined Text


The following text formats may be used with the Format function. Text formats may be combined to create the user defined text format. User defined text formats may not be combined with other user defined formats or predefined formats.

User defined text formats can contain one or two sections separated by a semi-colon (;):

  • form - format for all strings
  • form;nullform - nullform: format for empty and null strings

    Parameters Description
    @ Char placeholder, insert char or space.
    & Char placeholder, insert char or nothing.
    < All chars lowercase.
    > All chars uppercase.
    ! Fill placeholder from left-to-right (default is right-to-left).
    \c Insert character c.
    "text" Insert literal text.

Sub Main
    Debug.Print Format("123","ab@c")  '" ab1c23"
    Debug.Print Format("123","!ab@c") '" ab3c"
End Sub