Put Instruction


Put [#]StreamNum, [RecordNum], var




Write a variable's value to StreamNum.


Parameters Description
StreamNum Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all macros.
RecordNum For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte position. The first byte is 1. If this is omitted then the current position (or record number) is used.
var This variable value is written to the file. For a fixed length variable (like Long) the number of bytes required to store the variable are written. For a Variant variable two bytes which describe its type are written and then the variable value is written accordingly. For a user type variable each field is written in sequence. For an array variable each element is written in sequence. For a dynamic array variable the number of dimensions and range of each dimension is written prior to writing the array values. All binary data values are written to the file in little-endian format.
NOTE: When a writing string (or a dynamic array) to a Binary mode file the string length (or array dimension) information is not written. Only the string data or array elements are written.


Sub Main
    Dim V As Variant
    Open MacroDir & "\SAVE_V.DAT" For Binary Access Write As #1
    Put #1, , V
    Close #1
End Sub

See also

Get, Open