RaiseEvent Instruction


RaiseEvent name[(arglist)]


Flow Control


Raise an Event. Evaluate the arglist and call name with those values.


'#Language "WWB-COM"
Event Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
Private Value_ As String
Property Get Value As String
    Value = Value_
End Property
Property Let Value(ByVal NewValue As String)
    RaiseEvent Changing(Value_, NewValue)
    Value_ = NewValue
End Property
'#Uses "Class1.cls"
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Dim WithEvents c1 As Class1
Sub Main
    Set c1 = New Class1
    c1.Value = "Hello"
    c1.Value = "Goodbye"
End Sub
Sub c1_Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
    Debug.Print "OldValue=""" & OldValue & """, NewValue=""" & NewValue & """"
End Sub

See also

Event, WithEvents