OKButton Dialog Item Definition


OKButton X, Y, DX, DY[, .Field]


User Dialog


Define an OK button item. Pressing the OK button updates the dlgvar field values and closes the dialog. (Dialog( ) function call returns -1.)


Parameters Description
X This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
Y This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
DX This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
DY This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
Field This identifier is the name of the field. The dialogfunc receives this name as string. If this is omitted then the field name is "OK".


Sub Main
    Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
        Text 10,10,180,30,"Please push the OK button"
        OKButton 80,90,40,20
    End Dialog
    Dim dlg As UserDialog
    Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub

See also

Begin Dialog