Assigning Permissions

Permissions are how you give users access to the folders and documents they need to do their work, while also keeping Webdocs secure.

Some users need more permissions because they need to do more complex work with documents and need access to many folders. Other users might only do simple tasks with a few documents in one folder. For users doing simple tasks, you might allow just one permission.


To maintain the maximum level of security, Fortra recommends that you allow the minimum number of permissions that users need to do their work. If a user does not need a permission, do not give them that permission.

There are seven permissions you can assign in Webdocs.

With this permission... Users can...


  • See a folder and the documents in it, but only documents assigned to a document type with this permission.


    Note: By default, all groups and users can view the Root Folder.

  • Save a document to their computer.
  • Open, close, edit, print, and email the copy of the document on their computer.

Note: With only the view permission, a user cannot save an edited document back to Webdocs. To save an edited document back to Webdocs, a user needs the check-out and check-in permissions.


  • Download documents from folders.


  • Move documents from folders they can view to other folders they can view.


Add Notes

  • Add notes to documents that they can view.


  • Upload documents with a document type to a folder where both document type and folder are assigned this permission.
  • Check in documents they have checked out.


    Note: Users must also have the check-out permission to edit documents and save them back to Webdocs.


  • Download and edit a document and then save the edited version back to Webdocs.
  • Change a document's information, like the Document Type and search-key values.

Note: Users must also have the check-in permission to save checked-out documents back to Webdocs.


Also, while the document is checked out, other users can view it, but other users cannot edit the document or change its information.

When the user checks in the edited document, the edited document becomes the current version in Webdocs. That current, edited version is the one that all other users will work with.


  • Email documents from Webdocs.

Each of these seven permissions has three settings:


Choose this setting... To...

Allow this permission.

Deny this permission.

A user who is denied a permission cannot see the buttons associated with that permission.

For example: If Amanda is allowed the View permission to the Accounting folder but is denied the Delete permission to the Accounting folder, Amanda cannot even see the Delete button for any documents in the Accounting folder.

Leave this permission unspecified or inherited.

A user may be allowed or denied this permission, based on how that permission is defined elsewhere for the user.

For more advanced information on how permissions work together, see Managing Permissions.

Assigning Permissions to a Folder for a Group

Assigning permissions to a folder for a group means that everyone in the group has the permissions allowed to that group. This is the simplest and most common type of permission. For more advanced ways to assign permissions, see Managing Permissions.

To assign permissions to a folder for a group:

  1. On the side menu of the Settings tab, click Permissions .

    Permissions displays.

  2. In the View Permissions For: drop-down, select Users and Groups by Folder.

  3. Click the folder you want to assign permissions to.


    Allowing permissions to a folder does not automatically allow permissions to a sub-folder. To allow permissions to a sub-folder, repeat these instructions for the sub-folder.

    The folder is highlighted red, and the list of groups, users, and permissions displays to the right of the highlighted folder.

    This is what a folder looks like before you assign permissions to it:


    The first time you assign permissions, all groups and users have unspecified or inherited permissions. When all permissions are unspecified or inherited, no one can access this folder.

  1. Assign a permission by clicking the icon in the column of the permission. Clicking an icon switches between allow, deny , and unspecified .

    For example: Below, users in the Group 00 group can only view documents in the Accounts Payable folder.

  2. Continue setting the permissions.


    Set permissions for all the groups when you create a new folder. Users' permissions can be left unspecified - in this case, their permissions will be inherited from the groups they belong to.