Webdocs Concepts

The following terms have special definitions in Webdocs. To learn more, see the Webdocs Workbook: A Planning Guide for Both Webdocs iSeries and Webdocs Windows. If you don't have a copy, contact your Fortra project team or technical support.

Document Type - A category that contains different kinds of related documents.   For example: AP or HR.

Folder - Where documents are stored for security. Users and groups have permissions to work with specific folders.


In Webdocs, folders are not the primary way to search for documents. Webdocs uses search keys and Document Types to search for documents instead.

Group - A collection of users. Groups have permissions that define what their users can do with documents.

Route - The path documents take from one user's Webdocs inbox to another user's inbox. Documents move through routes either via user approvals or automatically via exit programs.

Search Keys(also called index keys, indexes, or metadata) - What you use to look up documents. For example: Dates, names, or numbers.

Title - Fortra recommends that you use this as a sub-type within a Document Type. See the Webdocs Workbook for more about title. For example: Invoice, purchase order, or receiving document. You can use titles in other ways in your installation.

User - An account for one person. Users can be put into groups and have permissions at the user and group level that define what they can do with documents.