Planning for a Successful Set-Up

In order to take advantage of all the benefits that Webdocs can offer, your organization needs to involve your business users in planning and organizing the Webdocs implementation.  

To help you work through these steps,we recommend using the Webdocs Workbook: A Planning Guide for Both Webdocs iSeries and Webdocs Windows. If you don't have a copy, contact your [%=corpvariables.corp_short%f] project team or technical support.

Working through the decisions with the business users will help you understand what they need, and also give you a good grounding in Webdocs concepts.

Go through these steps to plan your Webdocs implementation:

  1. Set your focus: what department to start with first.
  2. Put together a good implementation team.
  3. Collect and analyze documents.
  4. Determine how Webdocs will organize and find your documents.
  5. Determine how Webdocs will work with your functional areas and users.
  6. Plan how users and groups will access information.
  7. Describe routes: how documents will flow through your organization.

Once your implementation team has completed the Webdocs Workbook and the Webdocs Workbook forms, you will have all the information that you need to set up Document Types, search keys, users, groups, permissions, and routes.

If your organization decides not to have an implementation team, make sure you review the Webdocs Workbook so that you do understand Webdocs concepts. You can use the forms in the Workbook to guide your questions about Document Types, users, and so on.

Installing and Licensing Webdocs

For installation instructions, see the Webdocs Install Guide.


If you are using routing, you need to install the Webdocs Route Designer either on your Webdocs server or the system you will use to manage routing.

For licensing instructions, see: Webdocs Install Gude.

Learning the Basics

Once you have your completed Webdocs Workbook, use the worksheets as you set up Webdocs for your organization.

For an overview of users, groups, folders, Document Types, and permissions, you can watch the short Webdocs videos available on