Connecting to an LDAP Server

When you create a Site (In EFT Administrator, a Site is similar to a virtual FTP server bound to one or more IP addresses.) that uses LDAP authentication, you will need to provide the following information:




This finds the LDAP entries that are part of the objectClass person; that is, it retrieves the users on the LDAP server that belong to the person ObjectClass.


When you use LDAP as the authentication method, EFT Server pulls the user account list and the authentication from the LDAP Server. Group (Allows the administrator to define access permissions to files and folders. Just as User Setting Levels control access to EFT Server resources such as bandwidth allowances and connectivity privileges, Groups control access to folders. See virtual folders.) lists, Group membership, VFS (EFT Server's Virtual File System allows you to grant access to files and folders on your system based on user and Group permissions. See virtual folder.) Groups, and VFS (EFT Server's Virtual File System allows you to grant access to files and folders on your system based on user and Group permissions. See virtual folder.) User permissions are handled by EFT Server and stored in the local AUD and CFG files. These permissions must be configured and maintained with the EFT Administrator or through the COM interface.

Related Topics

Creating a Site that Uses LDAP Authentication

Testing LDAP Authentication Settings