File Uploaded Event with User Details

Suppose you want to be sent an e-mail each time any user uploads a file to the server, and you want to include information about the user account that uploaded the file.

To define the Event Rule

  1. Create a File Uploaded Event Rule.

  2. Add an E-mail Notification Action with the desired user variables, such as %USER.LOGIN%, %USER.EMAIL%, and %USER.PHONE%.

  3. Click Apply.

With this very simple Rule, an e-mail is sent whenever any user uploads a file to the Server. You can further customize the Rule to suit your needs:

Defining the E-Mail with User Details

The default e-mail body contains a table, but if you know HTML, if the account that the e-mail is sent to accepts HTML e-mails, you can format the e-mail to suit your needs. Review your tags carefully, however, since no HTML code verification is performed.

For example, the body of the e-mail might contain the following tags and variables:

<TR><TD><B>Server Local Time</b>:</TD><TD>%EVENT.TIME%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD><B>E-mail Address</b>:</TD><TD>%USER.EMAIL%</TR><TR>
<TR><TD><B>Account Expiration Date</b>:</TD><TD>%USER.EXPIRATION_DATE%</TR>
<TR><TD><B>File Name</b>:</TD><TD>%FS.FILE_NAME%</TR>

When a user with the username jbug uploads a file, the following e-mail might be sent:

This message was sent to you automatically by GlobalSCAPE EFT Server on the following event: File Uploaded.

Server Local Time
: 12/5/2007 14:00:00
E-mail Address
Account Expiration Date
: 12/1/2008 11:59:59
File Name
: file.txt
: C:\InetPub\EFTRoot\Standard\Usr\jbug