Monitoring Folders

Use a Folder Monitor rule to trigger when files are added to a folder using the network file system. When monitoring folders for files added to the server via the FTP/S and HTTP/S protocols, use File Uploaded, File Downloaded, and other File System events.  

When monitoring a folder, EFT Server watches for any file being added to, removed from, or renamed in the monitored folder. Moving a file, performing PGP operations, and other actions can trigger the Rule again, resulting in failures. This can be avoided by selecting the Stop processing this rule check box after if action failed then.

To configure a Folder Monitor rule

  1. Follow the procedures in Creating Event Rules.

  2. In the Create New Rule dialog box, click Folder Monitor, then click OK. The new Rule appears in the Rule pane.

  3. In the Rule pane, click [select]. The Monitor Folder dialog box appears.

  4. Click the open icon  to specify a folder to monitor.

  5. If you also want to monitor sub folders, select the Include sub-folders check box.

  6. To monitor the status of the network connection and report failures, select the Check health of network share every <n> minutes check box, and specify an interval. An hour (60 minutes) is specified by default. When you select the check box, the following message appears:

  7. EFT Server periodically pings the folder specified to verify that it can communicate with the folder. When there is a loss of connection, EFT Server attempts to re-establish a link to the folder and triggers the Folder Monitor Failed event internally. If you want to receive e-mail failure notifications (or other actions) when the Folder Monitor health check returns a connection failure, follow the procedure in step 2 above to configure a Folder Monitor Failure event, and add an Action.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Specify an Action to occur when this Event is triggered:

  10. Click Apply to save the changes on EFT Server.