Customizing the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Web Interface

The Web e-mail interface, the SendMail  form, is designed with default colors, background, and banner image. You can easily brand the SendMail form with your company logo and/or colors.

To customize the look and feel, you must edit the CSS files located in the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer module installation folder (by default, C:\inetpub\EFTAdHoc\App_Themes).

You should make a backup copy of the style sheets (CSS), skin, templates (TLT), and config files before you edit them. The procedures below describe how to edit elements in Main.css and The following files are used to define the look and feel of Secure Ad Hoc Transfer:

Background Color

The default color behind the SendMail form is light gray. You can change the background color, which is defined in Main.css.

To change the background color

.Background {background-color:  #F7F7F7;}  /* light gray */


.Background {background-color:  #FFFFFF;}  /* white */

Header Image Dimensions

The space in which the banner image appears is called the header. You can change the dimensions of the header, which are 320 pixels by 63 pixels, in main.css to suit the size of your banner image.

To change the size of the header image

.Header_LogoStyle {

             width: 320px;

             height: 63px;

}   /* globalscape logo image size */


.Header_LogoStyle {

            width: 200px;

             height: 50px;

}  /* your logo image size */

Banner Background Style

The banner background, defined in Main.css, is a 1 pixel wide and 63 pixels tall blue gradient that is an expandable background for the banner image, banner-adhoc.png. (See Banner Image, below.)

To modify the banner background style

.HeaderLogo_BackgroundStyle {

background-color: #6AA6E3;

background-image: url(images/banner-background.png);


.HeaderLogo_BackgroundStyle {

background-color: #000000;

} /* solid black color background */

Banner Image

The GlobalSCAPE banner image is defined in You can replace the default banner image with your own.

To modify the banner image

<asp:Image  SkinID="Header_Logo" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/App_Themes/DarkGray/images/banner-adhoc.png"  CssClass="Header_LogoStyle" />


<asp:Image  SkinID="Header_Logo" runat="server"  ImageUrl="~/App_Themes/DarkGray/images/your-image-here.jpg"  CssClass="Header_LogoStyle" />

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Customizing the Notification E-Mail

One-Click Authentication

Secure Ad Hoc Transfer's Configuration File