Changing Condition Placement

Conditions can be moved using the up/down arrows next to the Condition or at the bottom of the dialog box, or by using copy/paste. When a Condition is moved, the Condition and any actions inside of that Condition also move. If a Condition has an else statement under it, the else statement is also moved. This is because the Condition, any actions inside that Condition, and any attached else clauses are considered a conditional block, and the entire block is moved.


Condition A icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 1

Action 2

Condition B icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 3

Click the Condition A down arrow ONCE, and Condition A and its child Actions are moved as a block:

Condition B icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 3

Condition A icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 1

Action 2

This same behavior does not apply when the Condition being moved is part of a compound Condition. To move one of the Conditions inside of a compound Condition down (or up), and, therefore, outside of that conditional block, you need to click on one of the Condition’s up/down arrows:

Condition C1 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif and C2 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 1

Action 2

Condition C3 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 3

Now click on the down arrow to the right of C1:

Condition C2 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 1

Action 2

Condition C1 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Condition C3 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 3

To move a compound Condition, you need to select the ENTIRE Condition by clicking the icon at the far left of the Condition:

Condition C1 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif and C2 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 1

Action 2

Condition C3 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 3

Click the icon then either drag the cursor down or click the blue down arrow icon_downarrow_blue.gif at the bottom of the dialog box (not the down arrow to the right of the Condition). A page icon appears if you drag it to an applicable location.

Condition C3 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 3

Condition C1 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif and C2 icon_bluearrow_eventrule_up.gificon_bluearrow_eventrule_down.gif

Action 1

Action 2

Related Topics

Using Conditions

Adding a Condition to an Event Rule

Condition Placement

Condition Evaluation

Else Clauses

Logical Operators

Evaluating Expressions

The Compound Conditional Statement

List of Conditions