IP Port Bindings

By default, only port 8443 is an active listening port; this binding is not removable. To  prevent conflicts with other applications and to connect to other IP addresses and ports that you want Mail Express to listen on, you have to add the IP address:port combinations to the IP Port Bindings list on the General Configuration page of the Mail Express administration interface. You can add both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to the IP Port Bindings list.

  • The name in the Hostname box is the link that is sent for the Pickup Portal, Reply Portal, and Mail Express Invitations. Therefore, the IP address:port combination that the hostname maps to in DNS must be configured in the IP Port Bindings list. Available addresses are listed in the IP address list; if the address is not present in the IP address list, it must be entered manually. If the network is configured properly on the computer, the available IP addresses (IPv4 and/or IPv6), should appear in the list.

  • If you enable DMZ Gateway, you must configure the Pick-Up portal and Drop-Off page so that the URLs go through DMZ Gateway. You can either change the Hostname in the General Configuration page, or route the URL properly in the network. IPv6 connections to DMZ Gateway are not supported on Windows Server 2003.

  • If you move the Mail Express server to a different IP address and/or port, adding the new IP:port to the IP Port Bindings list will "force" a sync between the database settings and the Mail Express configuration and should clear any error or warning flags on the Status page.

To configure specific IP addresses and ports

  1. Log in to the Mail Express Server administration interface.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, click General. The General Configuration page appears.

  3. In the IP Port Bindings area, click Add additional binding. The IP Port Binding dialog box appears.

  4. GeneralConfig_IPPortBinding33.PNG

  5. In the IP address box, click the list to select an IP address or click Manually input IP address and then type or paste the address.

  6. IPPortBinding33.PNG

  7. In the Port box, specify the port number that this IP address is to use.

  8. To redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, select the Redirect check box, then specify the port that is to be redirected.

  9. Click Add to add the IP address and port to the IP Port Bindings list.

  10. Repeat the previous steps if you have more bindings to add.

  11. Click Save to save your changes, or click Restore to reset the page to its previous setting. If you navigate away from the page without clicking Save, your changes are discarded.

  12. You will need to restart the server for the changes to take effect. Click Restart server now.

  13. RestartServer.PNG

    After the server is restarted, the status flag should be green.

For more information, review the topics in the Contents to the left. If the Contents pane is hidden, click <--Show.

You can also search the Knowledgebase for help, or pose your question in the Globalscape User Forum. Visit the Mail Express Support Center for the most up-to-date information, to view version history, updates, and activation instructions, or to download a PDF of this user guide. For information about Globalscape, visit www.globalscape.com or follow us on Twitter.

Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:19