Configuring SMTP E-Mail Notification

You can configure the Server to send e-mail alerts whenever certain events occur. You must provide the address for an outgoing mail server, an e-mail address for the administrator account, and other details.

To set up the server to send e-mail notifications

  1. In the Administrator, connect to the server, then click the Server tab.

  2. Click the Server you want to configure.

  3. In the right pane, click the SMTP Configuration tab.

  4. In the SMTP Server Address box, provide the IP address of the mail server the Server will use to send outgoing messages.

  5. In the SMTP Server Port box, provide the port number where the mail server accepts messages. The default is 25.

  6. Do one of the following:

      1. In the Login box, provide the user name needed to connect to the mail server.

      2. In the Password box, provide the password needed to connect to the mail server.

      3. In the Name box of the Send Messages FROM area, provide any name you would like for the "From Name" field.

      4. In the Address box of the Send Messages FROM group, provide any address you would like for the "From Address" field.

      5. In the Name box of the Send Messages TO group, provide the name of the server administrator, or any name you wish.

      6. In the Address box of the Send Messages TO group, provide the e-mail address of the person that should be notified of server events.

  7. Click Apply.