Changing the Vault IP Address or Port in the Agent Manager

If the Vault's IP address and/or port number has changed, you must modify the address and/or port in the WAFS Agent Manager.

To change the Vault's address or port

  1. Open the WAFS Agent Manager.

  2. In the Jobs tree, click the Agent node.

  3. In the right pane, click the Schedule tab.

  4. Note the current setting (Mirror Continuously or Mirror on Defined Schedule), then click Suspend Mirroring, then click Save. After several minutes, the Vault Offline icon appears.

  5. In the Jobs tree, right-click the Vault, then click Change Vault URL. (If Change Vault URL is not available, you didn't stop the Vault service.)
    The Change Vault URL dialog box appears.

  6. In the Vault box, provide the new URL and/or port number if different than the default of 80. (If another service, such as Microsoft IIS, is using port 80, use a different port. Port 711 is used above as an example.)

  7. Click OK.

  8. After the Vault address updates in the Jobs tree, go back to the Agent's Schedule tab and change mirroring back to your original setting (Mirror Continuously or Mirror on Defined Schedule).