Relocating the Vault

When an Agent connects to a Vault, it must know the location of the computer running the Vault software. It communicates using standard HTTP or HTTPS. The address of the computer running the Vault is specified either as the:

Sometimes it is necessary to modify the Vault’s address or to move the Vault software to a new computer. After the change, the Vault’s address must also be modified on each Agent connected to the Vault.

Reasons to change the Vault's IP Address and Port

To relocate the physical Vault without redoing any replication

This method is not necessary if the Vault has only been renamed or the port number changed. Refer to Changing the Vault IP Address or Port for details.

  1. Stop each of the Agents and the Vault.

  2. Install WAFS on the new computer. The installation creates a Working Space directory.

  3. Stop the Vault service on the new computer.

  4. Delete the Working Space directory from the new computer.

  5. Move the Working Space directory from the old computer to this new computer.

  6. Start the Vault service on the new computer.

  7. If you have a permanent license code, make sure you delete it from the old Vault computer and move it over to the new Vault.

  8. Change the Vault IP address and/or port. All of the Jobs connected to the Vault are moved to the new Vault.