Managing Disk Space on the Vault

The disk space ("working space directory") used by the Vault is in C:\Vault Data by default. This directory is where the latest copies of files, past versions of files, and deleted files are kept, up to the space specified on the Server Cleanup page of the WAFS Vault interface. "Server Cleanup" only affects old versions of files and deleted files; current files are not deleted.

The Server Cleanup page of the WAFS Vault interface allows you to specify when the cleanup tool will run and how much space is to be freed.

To manage disk space

  1. Login to the WAFS Vault admin page.

  2. Click Server Cleanup. The Server Cleanup page appears.

  3. In the Free space minimum that will trigger cleanup box, you can specify the minimum amount of unused space before an automatic cleanup should occur. You can adjust this as necessary.

  4. In the Target free space after cleanup box, you can specify how much free space you want to have available after cleanup. When that target size is reached, cleanup stops.

  5. In the Cleanup status area, you can specify scheduled cleanup options. By default, the cleanup occurs as needed based on the Free space minimum and Target free space settings.

  6. Click Job List to go back to the previous page. If you close the browser, you are logged out of the Vault interface.

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