Event Triggers

EFT includes over 25 different Event triggers, based on the following Event types:

  • Operating System-related Events, such as a folder’s contents changed or a recurring Timer has executed

  • Cloud object monitor is similar to Folder Monitor, but is used to monitor folders in your cloud storage

  • File server-related Events, such as file uploaded or file deleted

  • Workspaces-related Events, such as User Invited

  • Secure File Send events, such as Message Not Sent

  • Server-related Events, such as Server stopped or started

  • Site-related Events, such as Site stopped or started

  • User-related Events, such as User Account Locked

  • Connection-related Events, such as a user connections failed

  • AS2-related Events, such as the transfer was successfully completed

  • Event Rule Subroutine Event

  • REST Invocation Event

Not all variables are available with every Event trigger. For example, it does not make sense to use the %EVENT.REASON% variable with a File Downloaded Event, but it does make sense with the Upload Failed Event, because EFT can determine the reason for the failure.

Refer to Variables for a description of each variable and caveats (for example, %EVENT.TIME% is not suitable for file naming and %FS.REPORT_FILE% should not be used in email notifications).

Refer to Which Actions can be Added to which Events for details of added Actions to Events.

NOTE: Event triggers marked with an asterisk in the Create New Event Rule dialog box require a module license. (See below.)