Privacy Policy in EFT Arcus

(Requires HTTP/S, Workspaces, RCM) The Server administrator can create and display a Privacy Policy for all web-based access to EFT. The Privacy Policy affects all web-based portals upon new account registration, anonymous pickup or drop-off, and upon first login. For user-specific settings, refer to Specify Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Options.

NOTE: The TermsOfService and PrivacyPolicy customizations are under Custom\TermsOfService and Custom\PrivacyPolicy, respectively, This is where the TermsOfService.json, TermsOfServiceLabels.json, PrivacyPolicy.json, and PrivacyPolicyLabels.json files can be uploaded for customization.
  • If accessing EFT for the first time via FTP, FTPS, or SFTP, and the Privacy Policy consent is required for use, the connection will fail. The user must first connect via the Web Transfer Client (HTTPS portal) to consent to the policy. The administrator can instead set the status for the Privacy Policy for a given user manually, on user account's General tab in the EFT administration interface. Additionally, you can change the EFT login banner to provide instructions to login via the Web Transfer Client before logging in via FTP, FTP, or SFTP.

  • If the Privacy Policy is set to the default (enabled, but not mandatory) and the user implicitly agrees to the policy by continuing to use the service, then no record is audited to the EFT database.

  • For anonymous users, accepting the Privacy Policy sets a cookie for 12 hours so that the user doesn't have to consent for each action within that 12 hours.

  • For an example of a Privacy Policy, refer to