Computer - Set Date/Time |
<AMSETSYSTEMTIME SERVER="text (server name)" /> |
Sets the system clock to the date and time corresponding to a specific internet time server (a dedicated time server that distributes accurate time) or sets the clock to a specific date/time.
Often used to set the system date and time to an accurate value. Also a practical way to synchronize the date and time in a multi-machine environment.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Set to internet time server |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
If enabled, specifies that the date and time will be set using the Internet time server. |
Use a specific time server |
Text |
No | |
If enabled, provides a list of time servers to select from. The available options are:
Port |
Number |
No |
123 |
PORT="142" |
The Internet port to use. The default port is 123. |
Set to specific date and time |
Text |
No |
(Current) |
SETTIME="%DateSerial(2010,08,04) + TimeSerial(08,09,30)%" |
If enabled, allows you to set a specific date and time. |
Sample 1 - Use specific time server to set date and time.
Sample 2 - Set to a specific date and time.
<AMSETSYSTEMTIME SETTIME="%DateSerial(2010,12,25) + TimeSerial(00,00,00)%" />