Security - Generate password |
Description: Generates a random string password using any possible printable character between the specified minimum and maximum sizes and stores it as a variable. This string conforms to the standard for strong passwords.
Used to build a strong password.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Generate password using |
Text (options) |
Yes |
Character set |
Specifies the password generation method. Different parameters apply depending on which method is selected. The available options are:
Upper case (A,B,C,...) |
Yes/No |
No |
Yes |
If set to YES, upper case characters (e.g., A,B,C,D,E,F,G,...) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, upper case characters will not be included (set to YES by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Lower case (a,b,c,...) |
Yes/No |
No |
Yes |
If set to YES, lower case characters (e.g., t,u,v,w,x,y,z,....) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, lower case characters will not be included (set to YES by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Digits (1,2,3,...) |
Yes/No |
No |
Yes |
DIGITS="no" |
If set to YES, digits (e.g.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, digits will not be included (set to YES by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Minus (-) |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
MINUS="yes" |
If set to YES, a minus (-) sign will be included during password generation. If set to NO, a minus sign will not be included (set to NO by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Underline (_) |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
If set to YES, an underline (_) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, an underline will not be included (set to NO by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Space( ) |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
SPACE="yes" |
If set to YES, a space ( ) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, a space will not be included (set to NO by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Special (!,$,%,...) |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
SPECIAL="yes" |
If set to YES, special characters (e.g., !,",#,$,%,&,*,...) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, special characters will not be included (set to NO by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Brackets ([,],{,},<,>,...) |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
BRACKETS="yes" |
If set to YES, brackets (e.g.,(,),[,],{,},<,>) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, brackets will not be included (set to NO by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
High ANSI characters |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
HIGHANSI="yes" |
If set to YES, high ANSI characters from '~' to U255 (excluding U255) will be included during password generation. If set to NO, high ANSI characters will not be included (set to NO by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Character sets. |
Also include the following characters |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
INCLUDE="assas" |
Specifies characters you wish to add manually in addition to the predefined character ranges. All characters that you enter in this edit box will be directly added to the character set. AWE will 'optimize' your character set by removing all duplicate characters. For example, if you enter 'AAAAB' into this edit box, this results as 'AB'. |
Length of generated password |
Number |
Yes |
8 |
LENGTH="10" |
The length (in characters) of the password to generate. |
Max length |
Number |
Yes |
(Empty) |
Specifies the maximum length of characters that will be used to generate the password. |
Pattern (text box) |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
PATTERN="ABCdefg$%()" |
The character pattern(s) in which to include in the password generation. This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Pattern. More details on pattern-based password generation can be found below under Additional Notes. |
Randomly permute characters of password |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
PERMUTE="yes" |
If set to YES, sets a random permutation on the characters used to generate the password. This uses a pattern generation feature that can be used to generate passwords that follow certain rules (set to NO by default). This parameter is available only if the Generate password using parameter is set to Pattern. |
Populate variable with the password |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
The name of an existing variable in which to populate with the newly generated password. |
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Each character must occur at most once |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
If set to YES, characters should not be repeated during password generation. Set to NO by default. |
Exclude look alike characters |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
If set to YES, look alike characters (e.g., 1l,0O) should be excluded during password generation. Set to NO by default. |
Exclude the following characters |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
EXCLUDE="qp@$z" |
Specifies the characters to exclude from password generation. |
AWE can create passwords using patterns. A pattern is a string defining the layout of the new password. The following placeholders are supported:
Placeholder |
Type |
Character Set |
a |
Lower-Case Alphanumeric |
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 |
A |
Mixed-Case Alphanumeric |
U |
Upper-Case Alphanumeric |
c |
Lower-Case Consonant |
bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz |
C |
Mixed-Case Consonant |
z |
Upper-Case Consonant |
d |
Digit |
0123456789 |
h |
Lower-Case Hex Character |
0123456789 abcdef |
H |
Upper-Case Hex Character |
0123456789 ABCDEF |
l |
Lower-Case Letter |
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
L |
Mixed-Case Letter |
u |
Upper-Case Letter |
p |
Punctuation |
,.;: |
b |
Bracket |
()[]{}<> |
s |
Printable 7-Bit Special Character |
!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_{|}~ |
S |
Printable 7-Bit ASCII |
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_{|}~ |
v |
Lower-Case Vowel |
aeiou |
V |
Mixed-Case Vowel |
Z |
Upper-Case Vowel |
x |
High ANSI |
From '~' to U255 (excluding U255) |
\ |
Escape (Fixed Char) |
Use following character as is |
Escape (Repeat) |
Repeat the previous character n times |
Custom Char Set |
Define a custom character set |
The \ placeholder is special: it's an escape character. The next
character that follows the \ is written directly into the generated
password. If you want a \
in your password at a specific
place, you must to enter \\
Using the {n} code you can define how many times the previous placeholder should occur. The { } operator duplicates placeholders, not generated characters. Examples:
is equivalent to dddd
is equivalent to dHHHHa
is equivalent to HdadH
The [...] notation can be used to define a custom character set, from which the password generator will pick one character randomly. All characters between the '[' and ']' brackets follow the same rules as the placeholders above. Examples:
generates exactly 1 random character out of the set digits + punctuation
generates 5 characters out of the set "0123456789m@"
generates 2 characters out of the set upper case + '_'
Generates for example: 41922, 12733, 43960, 07660, 12390, 74680, ...
\H\e\x\:\ HHHHHH
Generates for example: 'Hex: 13567A', 'Hex: A6B99D', 'Hex: 02243C', ...
Below are a few examples how the pattern generation feature can be used to generate passwords that follow certain rules.
Name |
Pattern |
WEP Hex Key - 40 Bit |
h{10} |
WEP Hex Key - 128 Bit |
h{32} |
WEP Hex Key - 256 Bit |
h{64} |
Random MAC Address |
HH\-HH\-HH\-HH\-HH\-HH |
Below are a few examples how the pattern generation feature can be used to generate passwords that follow certain rules.
Rule |
Pattern |
Must consist of 2 upper case, 2 lower case characters and 2 digits |
uulldd |
Must consist of 9 digits and 1 letter |
d{9}L |
Must consist of 10 alphanumeric characters, where at least 1 is a letter and at least 1 is a digit |
LdA{8} |
Must consist of 10 alphanumeric characters, where at least 2 are upper case and at least are 2 lower case characters |
uullA{6} |
Must consist of 9 characters out of the set "ABCDEF" and an '@' symbol somewhere in it |
\@[\A\B\C\D\E\F]{9} |
NOTE: For the above examples, you must enable the Randomly permute characters of password option. |
NOTE: The code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps pane of the Task Builder. |
Description: Generate a random password and store it in variable "theNewPassword". Minimum password length is 6. Maximum password length is 12.