OpenDocument Spreadsheet Actions

Description: The OpenDocument Spreadsheet action is similar to the Excel action. Unlike the Excel action, however, the OpenDocument Spreadsheet action enables creation and management of spreadsheets without requiring Microsoft Excel to be installed on the system. This action not only supports spreadsheet generation and other basic file formatting features, but also supports a number of advanced features such as importing as well as exporting spreadsheet data, reading, writing and modifying XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV or HTML files. This makes it  much more convenient for developers to manipulate spreadsheet contents, format cells and protect files.

A common use of OpenDocument Spreadsheet is for deploying on the Web Server or in Web Services for server side processing. For example, users can upload manually created spreadsheets to a server. The OpenDocument action is then used to open the files and retrieve data. Additionally, users can input data in web pages where it is collected by the web server. The OpenDocument action can then used to populate data in brand new files or pre-defined template files. After the spreadsheet file is created, it can be sent to the user as a report, receipt, etc.

Available Activities

The list of activities for this action are arranged below in alphabetical order. For more information about a specific activity, click its associated link.



OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Activate worksheet

Activates a specific worksheet from a workbook in an established OpenDocument Spreadsheet session. The worksheet to activate can be specified by its name or current index. Performing this activity is equivalent to manually clicking the sheet's tab.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Add hyperlink

Adds a hyperlink to a cell in a worksheet.  

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Add worksheet

Adds a new worksheet to a workbook in an established OpenDocument session.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - AutoFit rows/columns

Auto sizes the width and height of a cell row or column in a worksheet according to its content.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Close workbook

Closes a workbook previously opened or created by the Open/Create workbook activity and ends the associated session.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Copy worksheet

Copies the data and format of a source worksheet onto a destination worksheet.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Decrypt

Decrypts an encrypted Excel workbook by specifying a password.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Delete cell(s)

Deletes an entire row or column from the specified position in the worksheet, or clears a specific cell of its contents.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Delete rows/columns

Deletes one or more rows/columns in the specified worksheet or clears the contents of one or more rows/columns.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Encrypt

Encrypts and password protects an Excel workbook to protect its data from being read or manipulated.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Get active worksheet

Retrieves the name or index of the currently active worksheet and populates either or both of two variables, one for the worksheet name and the other for the index.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Get cell reference/position

Retrieves the cell position or cell reference of an individual cell and populates one or more variables with results.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Get cell(s)

Retrieves an individual cell and populates a variable with its value or retrieves a range of cells and populates a dataset with their values.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Get selected cell(s)

Retrieves the position of the active cell or range of cells in a workbook and populates one or more existing variables with the cell reference and/or position coordinates.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Hide/Unhide worksheet

Hides an Excel worksheet or unhides a currently hidden one.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Insert cell(s)

Inserts a an individual cell, a cell row or cell column in a worksheet.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Insert rows/columns

Inserts an individual cell, a cell row or cell column in a worksheet.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - List worksheet(s)

Retrieves information about the worksheets contained in a workbook and populates a dataset with results.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Move worksheet

Moves the data and format of a source worksheet onto a destination worksheet.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Open/Create workbook

Opens an existing workbook or creates a new workbook and establishes a unique session in which subsequent OpenDocument Spreadsheet activities can link to.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Remove worksheet

Removes a worksheet from a workbook.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Rename worksheet

Renames a worksheet.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Search

Searches for cells in a worksheet that contains specified data and populates a dataset with results.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Select cell(s)

Selects a single cell or multiple cells, ranges, rows or columns within the currently active worksheet.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - Set cell(s)

Sets the text of one or more cells in a workbook.