Installing and Configuring Auditing and Reporting

Auditing and Reporting is normally installed and configured when you install EFT. If you did not install it when you installed EFT, you can run the installer again, choose Modify, and then select the Auditing and Reporting check box. (Leave the EFT and EFT Admin Interface check boxes selected; clearing the check boxes will uninstall them.)

Refer to Installing EFT, Administrator, and Modules for the procedure for installing ARM using the EFT installer and for the system requirements.

  • For EFT to connect to any database, the proper drivers need to be installed on the EFT computer. If the right client-side software (driver) is installed on the EFT computer, the Advanced Workflow Engine can make the database connection string to get to that database.

  • EFT uses Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.7 or later to handle database communication, which in turn should load the Oracle drivers to handle Oracle implementation details. How and what is connected largely depends upon the connection string. By default, if you do not supply the entire connection string in EFT, the Oracle connection string should look like:

  • Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1; Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =

    (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = {host value})(PORT = {port})))"

    (CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = {database name})));

    Persist Security Info=true;PLSQLRSet=1;PwdChgDlg=0;User Id={username};Password={password};

Installation and configuration of the module consists of:

  1. Running the EFT installer. The Auditing and Reporting module is normally installed and configured when you install EFT. If you did not install it when you installed EFT, you can run the installer again and choose Modify. On the ARM page of the installer, click Configure Auditing and Reporting. (Follow the procedure in Installing EFT, Administrator, and Modules.)

    During installation, EFT needs full DB Owner access to the auditing database to set up the schema. During updates or upgrades, EFT needs full DB Owner access to update the schema. Once it is set up, EFT only needs to be able to read, write, and execute stored procedures.

  2. Activating the software with a serial number that includes ARM

  3. Enabling EFT to record data

How does EFT know which TCP/IP port it should use to connect to SQL Server?

When the SQL Server browser service (installed with SQL Server) starts up, it searches the registry for any "named instances" of SQL Server and which TCP ports they're listening on. When a client wants to connect to a named instance, it asks the browser service (on UDP port 1434) on which TCP/IP port is that instance listening. This is how Microsoft implemented support for multiple instances of SQL Server on the same computer. The default instance listens on TCP port 1433. If you have a named instance, the TCP port is dynamically configured.

This is standard SQL Server functionality and doesn't require special port syntax in the EFT connection string or host name. It's all abstracted by the API used, which looks at the host string and figures out whether you're trying to connect to a named instance or a default instance (by determining whether host\instance or just host was specified).

The SQL Server TCP settings are stored in:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.<InstanceName>\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\TCP\

Refer to the following Microsoft topics for more information: