Introduction to EFT Logging

As the EFT log file subsystem writes out the date for the log, it compares the current computer date/time to the value for the log rotation (hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly) period specified on the logs tab of the Server. When a write-to-log operation occurs that is calculated to cross a period (that is, the prior write was within a former period, but the current date/time at write is a new period), EFT rotates the log file name and then writes to that new log.

EFT activities can be logged in various places:

  • The main EFT activity log is saved in the Logs subdirectory of the installation directory (e.g., C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise\Logs). The file name depends on the log file format (ex, in, nc) and the date/time it was created. For example, a log file in the Microsoft IIS format created on August 22, 2007 is named in070822.log.

  • When EFT’s Download and Copy/Move Action offloads or downloads files to/from other servers, the session is recorded to a client log file: cl[yymmdd].log, e.g., cl060312.log.   

  • HTTP request headers, Authentication Manager activity, and Configuration load activity, can be saved to the EFT.log file using Log4Cplus logging.

  • EFT service startup and failure events appear in the Windows Event ViewerApplication Log.

  • Auditing and Reporting module (ARM) errors can be logged to a text file and viewed in the Windows Event Viewer.

  • AS2 information is logged to the ARM database.

For more on logging and viewing status, refer to: