Cloud Object Monitor Event

The Cloud Object Monitor Event is used when you want to download files from Amazon S3 or Azure blob storage.

  • Files arriving at EFT can be automatically copied/moved to cloud storage.

  • Timer rules can download files from cloud storage at set intervals

  • Download always uses TLSv1.2 protocol

With the Cloud object monitor Event, EFT administrators can:

  • Connect natively to Amazon S3 and Azure blobs without scripting, manual browsing, or complexity in setting up connections

  • Integrate natively with cloud storage through EFT without the need for outside integration

The Cloud Object Monitor Event does not support cloud-to-cloud (S3 to S3, Azure to S3, or S3 to Azure) direct file transfers. Currently, it can only download from the cloud to EFT, and then upload from EFT to the cloud. Timer Event Rules are also capable of downloading files from the cloud:

To configure a Cloud object monitor Event

  1. Follow the procedure in Creating Event Rules, and click Cloud object monitor.

  2. In the Rule Builder, the Event Rule is created.

  3. In the Action, specify the Connector Configuration.

Refer to the following topics for information about creating EFT Event Rules: