Condition Placement

Where Conditions are placed within the Rule Builder when they are added depends on which item is selected in the Rule Builder.

  • When the Event Rule trigger (the very first item in the Rule Builder) is selected and a Condition is added, the Condition is placed directly beneath the Event Rule Trigger. This is considered a "root" level condition.



        if ( %FS.FILE_NAME% = "*.pgp" )  //a root level condition. No action added yet




  • When an Action inside another Condition is the selected item and a new Condition is added, that new Condition is placed directly beneath the Action and to the left, or outside of the container Condition. Otherwise, it would become a nested Condition, which EFT does not support.



        if ( %FS.FILE_NAME% = "*.pgp" )


           PGP Decrypt %FS.FILE_PATH%


    if ( %FS.FILE_NAME% = "" ) //new condition added placed at root level




  • When an Action (that is not contained within a Condition) is the selected item, and a new Condition is added, the new Condition is placed immediately beneath that Action, at the same root level (see above example).

  • When a Condition is the currently selected item and another Condition is added, the new Condition is ANDed to the selected Condition. If the Condition being added is the same Condition as the one selected, the new Condition is ORed to the selected condition. Using this method, you can create compound Conditions.



        if (%FS.FILE_NAME% = "*.pgp" ) AND (%FS.FILE_SIZE% <300,000b)  //a compound condition


           PGP Decrypt %FS.FILE_PATH%



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