Adding A New Layout

You can create a new layout that customizes just the information you personally want to view, or a layout that is tailored to the specific requirements of a department or specialist team.

This enables multiple views of the same or different information to be displayed in a way that is convenient to each user.

Switching layout views enables another user to have this information displayed in their own preferred display format.

From the Enterprise Console | Appearance tab, click New Layout and click Yes when prompted.

NOTE: Once confirmed, the mode automatically changes from View to Edit.

Adding a new layout to the Enterprise Console starts with a blank canvas. Further panels can then be added to the new layout as required. Select from the following:

Saving new layouts

Once the new layout has been created and configured, it must be saved so it can be used at a later date.

Click Save to save changes to the current layout.

Click Save As to create a new layout with the new name provided at the Save As prompt.

Enter the Name of the layout.

Leave the Public Layout check box set to the default of enabled to indicate that this layout will be able to viewed by all users of this Enterprise Console. Otherwise, click the Public Layout check box to remove the tick mark and indicate that this layout will only be available as a private view to the user that created it.

Click OK to complete the save of the layout.

WARNING: Failure to save the layout means that any changes that you have made are lost.

All changes to layouts are only visible once a user has logged off the Enterprise Console and logged back in again.

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