Exit Point Methods Basic Sort & Search screen

How to Get There

On the Work with Product Exits Menu,select option 2, then press F14.

What it Does

The Sort and Search Exit Point Methods feature is used to select and order Authority Broker Exit Point Method entries. Several options are available to assist in reducing the amount of information you must view.

The first of these options is the ability to search exit point methods. Searching is performed by making selections in the "Search Criteria" section.

Second is the use of SQL syntax. For example, wild card character % can be placed at any position within any selection.

Lastly you can select the sort order you wish entries to be in. This is accomplished by entering a 1 through 3 next to the items in the "Select Sequence" section.


Select the sorting sequence

The Sort by section provides the capability to order your search. Possible values are 1 through 3 where 1 is highest and 3 is lowest. If left blank the value is not used when sorting search results.

Exit Point method: Enter a value of 1 through 3 to specify the sort sequence you wish for Exit Point Method. If left blank, it is not used when sorting search results.

Program Name: Enter a value of 1 through 3 to specify the sort sequence you wish for Program Name. If left blank, it is not used when sorting search results.

Library Name: Enter a value of 1 through 3 to specify the sort sequence you wish for Library name. If left blank, it is not used when sorting search results.

Select your search criteria

The Search Criteria section provides the capability to select which exit point methods are to be listed. Supplied values are exit point method, program name, Iibrary name, and exit point method type.

Exit point method, program name, and library name can have any SQL syntax for a SELECT clause you require. For example an exit point method entry of %IS% will list only exit point methods with IS in them.

Exit Point method:Select the Exit Point Method you wish to see. Leave Exit Point Method blank if you wish to see all exit point methods. SQL syntax is supported for Exit Point Methods.

Program Name:Select the Program name you wish to see Exit Point Methods for. Leave Program name blank if you wish to see all objects. SQL syntax is supported for Program name.

Library Name: Select the Library name you wish to see Exit Point Methods for. Leave Library name blank to see all libraries. SQL syntax is supported for Library name.

Exit Point Method Types

Exit point methods can be used at four points. These points allow Authority Broker to be extended. Each exit point designates where its method will execute.

Before profile switch: The Before profile switch exit point is to be used for additional verification. It executes before a profile switch actually occurs.

After profile switch: The After profile switch exit point is used after a profile switch has occurred. It is intended to allow environment specific functions to be performed before processing control is released by profile switch command LSWPPRF.

Before profile release: The Before profile release exit point is used before a profile switch is released. It is intended to allow environment specific functions to be performed before processing control is released by profile release command LRLSPRF.

After profile release: After profile release exit point is used after the profile switch is released. It is intended to allow environment specific functions to be performed after processing control is released by profile release command LRLSPRF.

Command Keys

  • F3 (Exit): Exit the program without processing any pending changes.
  • F5 (Refresh): Refresh the screen.
  • F11 (Advanced Search): Use more advanced search capabilities. See Exit Point Methods Advanced Sort & Search.
  • F12 (Cancel): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.
  • Advanced Search (F11) presents a screen (shown below) that allows more advanced selection for data sorting and searching criteria. SQL WHERE clause syntax is used to enter the criteria use in the search for Alert method, Object name, or Library name.

About the Before Switch Exit Point

Before Switch exit point is used to perform additional verifications before a profile switch actually occurs. This exit point is utilized after Authority Broker’s switch verification but before the profile switch actually occurs. It is invoked for global and switch pair specific entries. This exit point can be used, for example, when a company requires call ticket be verified against their Help desk database.

The Before Switch exit point has the following functionality:

  • Maximum of 50 global exit programs.
  • Maximum of 50 switch pair specific exit programs.
  • Global exit programs are processed first.

Each exit program is capable of the following actions:

  • Allowing the switch to occur. If an exit program allows the switch to occur the next exit program in the sequence will be executed. Specific switch pair exit programs for this exit point will then be processed.
  • Rejecting the switch. If an exit program rejects the switch all exit program processing is ended and the attempted switch is stopped. Specific switch pair exit programs for this exit point will not be processed.
  • Allowing the switch to occur and bypass further global exit program processing. If an exit program allows the switch to occur but requests further processing of global exit program processing be halted the switch is allowed. The specific switch-pair exit programs for this exit point will then be processed.

The return code values are:

  • 0 = Allowed (by this exit program, continue with the next exit program).
  • 1 = REJECT
  • 2 = ALLOWED, and don’t check any more exit programs.

Required Parameter Group

Parameter How Used Data Type Sequence Notes Parameter
Exit point name Input CHAR(20) 1 The name of the exit point being executed.
This will always be PTG_AB_BEFORESWITCH for the before switch exit point.
Exit point name
Exit point format name Input CHAR(10) 2 The format name of the exit point being executed.
ABV0100 = Global PTG_AB_ BEFORESWITCH exit point.
ABV0200 = Switch pair specific PTG_AB_ BEFORESWITCH exit point.
Exit point format name
System user Input CHAR(10) 3 The name of the user profile that switched to the application/resource ID. System user
Application/Resource ID Input CHAR(10) 4 The name of the user profile the system user is switching to. Application/Resource ID
Timed switch command Input/Output CHAR(128) 5 The command to be run when a timed switch is being performed.
Only valid for switches having a specific number of minutes to remain switched.
If a value is returned, the command is executed once the profile switch has occurred.
Timed switch command

Optional Parameter Group 1

Parameter How Used Data Type Sequence Notes Parameter
Client IP address Input CHAR(15) 6 The client IP address returned from IBM’s QUSRJOBI API in format JOBI0600. Client IP address
System name Input CHAR(8) 7 The name of the system the profile switch took place on. This is the same name as shows in the “Current system name” parameter of IBM command DSPNETA. System name
Job environment type Input CHAR(1) 8 The job’s environment type.
0 – A value - lf “0” indicates the job that performed the profile switch was running in batch mode.
1 – A value - lf “1” indicates the job that performed the profile switch was running in interactive mode.
Job environment type
FireCall switch Input CHAR(1) 9 Specifies if the profile switch was for a FireCall.
Y = FireCall switch
N = Not a FireCall switch.
FireCall switch
Switch amount of time Input CHAR(6) 10 The number of minutes the switch is allowed to operate. Switch amount of time
Call ticket number Input CHAR(20) 11 The number of minutes the switch is allowed to operate. Call ticket number
Notification data Input CHAR(276) 12 The formatted data used when writing the switch audit journal entry. Format is for Authority Broker message PID8001.
System user requested authority of Application/Resource ID for reason entered for the profile switch.
Notification data
Interested Party list Input Array of CHAR(10) 13 A list of parties interested in the profile switch. A maximum of 100 interested parties will be supplied. Interested Party list
Number of array elements Input INT(10,0) 14 The number of entries in the Interested Party list. Number of array elements

Optional Parameter Group 2

Parameter How Used Data Type Sequence Notes
Return code Output INT(10,0) 15 The code telling the exit point what action is to be taken. There are three possible values. Any other values will cause this parameter to default to 0.

About the After Switch Exit Point

Required Parameter Group

Parameter How Used Data Type Sequence Notes
Exit point name Input CHAR(20) 1 The name of the exit point being executed.
PTG_AB_AFTERSWITCH is the exit point name.
Exit point format name Input CHAR(10) 2 The format name of the exit point being executed.
ABAS0100 = Global After switch.
ABAS0200 = Switch pair specific After switch.
System user Input CHAR(10) 3 The name of the user profile that switched to the application/resource ID.
Application/Resource ID Input CHAR(10) 4 The name of the user profile the system user switched to.
Timed switch command Input/Output CHAR(128) 5 The command to be run when a timed switch is being performed.
Only valid for switches having a specific number of minutes to remain switched.
If a value is returned, the command is executed once the profile switch has occurred.

Optional Parameter Group

Parameter How Used Data Type Sequence Notes
Client IP address Input CHAR(15) 6 The client IP address returned from IBM’s QUSRJOBI API in format JOBI0600.
System name Input CHAR(8) 7 The name of the system the profile switch took place on. This is the same name as shows in the “Current system name” parameter of IBM command DSPNETA.
Job environment type Input CHAR(1) 8 The job’s environment type.
0 – A value - lf “0” indicates the job that performed the profile switch was running in batch mode.
1 – A value - lf “1” indicates the job that performed the profile switch was running in interactive mode.
FireCall switch Input CHAR(1) 9 Specifies if the profile switch was for a FireCall.
Y = FireCall switch
N = Not a FireCall switch.
Switch amount of time Input CHAR(6) 10 The number of minutes the switch is allowed to operate.
Call ticket number Input CHAR(20) 11 The number of minutes the switch is allowed to operate.
Notification data Input CHAR(276) 12 The formatted data used when writing the switch audit journal entry. Format is for Authority Broker message PID8001.
System user requested authority of Application/Resource ID for reason entered for the profile switch.
Interested Party list Input Array of CHAR(10) 13 A list of parties interested in the profile switch. A maximum of 100 interested parties will be supplied.
Number of array elements Input INT(10,0) 14 The number of entries in the Interested Party list.
Reserved Input INT(10,0) 15 This parameter is reserved for Powertech's use.
NOTE: The user is required to handle library list manipulation. If a user-written after-switch program alters the job’s library list, it is the responsibility of the user's after-switch program to reinstate it before handing processing control back to Authority Broker.