Responding to Statuses

You can respond to the statuses you see in the Status Center. There are several types of responses:

  • Acknowledge
  • Reply
  • Escalate
  • Assign
  • Delete

You can respond to a status in two ways. Both can be accomplished from either the Status Center or from the Statuses widget on a dashboard.

  • ClickTap The Show Actions button. Show Actions by the status. Then, select a response from the menu that opens. Note: The menu changes depending on the type of status you select. Only options that are valid for that status appear on it.

  • ClickTap The Show Actions button. Show Actions by the status and select Properties. Then, in the upper left corner of the Status Properties page, clicktap the response button you want. You can also assign the status to someone or reply to it. Those options are under the Details section. Note: The buttons at the top of the page vary depending on which status you selected. Also, once you clicktap one of the buttons, you cannot cancel that action by canceling out of the Status Properties page.

There is a third way of responding to statuses, but you can only do it from the Status Center: Select (check) a number of statuses; then, clicktap one of the response buttons at the top of the page.

The following describes each type of response.