Exit Program Activation Considerations

If exit programs have already been assigned to the exit points Exit Point Manager secures, you can retain them as supplemental exit programs by selecting the server for activation using option 11, Set to Activate/Retain supplemental. When you run the activation process, the operating system registration facility is updated to reflect that Exit Point Manager is the new exit program, and the Exit Point Manager internal tables are updated to show that your exit program is now a supplemental exit program.

Supplemental exit programs are called from the Exit Point Manager exit program after the Exit Point Manager exit program runs successfully. If you choose not to have Exit Point Manager make your existing exit programs supplemental exit programs, they no longer are called. You should consider the implications if existing exit programs are being used for other processes on your system. However, Exit Point Manager creates a file named LNSSEP in QGPL and stores the names of your original exit programs.

Activation of Exit Point Manager exit programs requires that the subsystems QCMN and QSERVER, as well as server jobs, are ended and restarted. If you select to perform an interactive activation, current user sessions may be terminated.

The QCMN subsystem is typically used to support SNA communications traffic. If you have an alternate subsystem that supports SNA traffic, you must manually end and restart that subsystem to activate the exit program that handles SNA traffic.

Most IBM i installations use the QCTL controlling subsystem. However, if you use QBASE as your controlling subsystem, then SNA traffic typically runs under QBASE. In this case, you need to end and restart QBASE to install Exit Point Manager support for SNA traffic. Ending QBASE brings your system into restricted state. If you use QBASE, you should not perform an Interactive activation, but instead select Silent activation to activate Exit Point Manager at the next IPL.