New/Edit Rule screen

New/Edit Rule screen

How to Get There

Choose the Rules tab on the navigation pane on the left side of the Exit Point Manager window. Choose Add to add a new Rule. Or, click an existing user rule to edit it.

What it Does

The New Rule screen is used to add new server/function filter rules for a user or location. 



When editing an existing User Rule, choose Delete to delete the Rule.


Choose Cancel to return to the Rules screen without making changes.


Choose Save to save the User Rule and return to the Rules screen.

Rule Type

Specifies whether this is a User or Location rule.

User/User Group; Lookup

Choose this Lookup button to open the Users selection window where you can choose from a list of user profiles.

Server > Function; Lookup

Choose this Lookup button to open the Servers selection window where you can choose from a list of servers and server functions. For a description of servers and functions, see Appendix B: Servers and Functions.

Authority; Lookup

Choose this Lookup button to open the Authorities selection window where you can choose from a list of Authorities.


The audit property controls the type of requests Exit Point Manager will log. Possible values are:

Yes Log all requests by the location/server/function.

No Only log authority failures for the location/server/function.

Inherit Inherit the value.


The message property entry will determine if Exit Point Manager sends a message to the Exit Point Manager message queue.

Yes A message is sent to the Exit Point Manager message queue.
No No message is sent.
Inherit Inherit the value.

Capture transactions for Memorized Transaction Request.

Yes Capture transactions.
No Do not capture transactions.
Inherit Inherit the value.
Select which systems to save to

All managed systems are listed here. Check the systems you would like to save the Rule to. Or, check Select All to copy the Rule to all managed systems.


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