Reporting Transactions

Network tools like FTP, ODBC, DDM, and Remote SQL pose serious security risks to your IBM i system. For example, each of these network tools can access and change database files, run programs and commands, and even modify objects. Exit Point Manager is designed to audit and report on access attempts by these tools, and to control access according to the rules you've specified.

To create reports based on attempts to run commands and programs, to access or manipulate data, or to modify objects

  1. Select option 4 on the Reports Menu to display the Transaction Report Menu.

    2. Select the desired option on the Transaction Report Menu. Each of the four options displays a report entry screen where you can enter the selection criteria for the report.

    The transaction report entry screens ask for the following information:

From date/time • To date/time

The date range you want to include in the report.

Detail, transaction, or summary (D/T/S)

The level of detail to include in the report, from most detailed (transaction) to least detailed (summary).

Output type

The output type of the report. Possible values are:

*PRINT The report is sent to the specified print queue.
*OUTFILE The report is sent to a file. You must specify the file name and library for the report.
*IFS The report is placed in the IFS. You must specify the report name.

The file name for the report, and the library for the file. Enter Y to create the report or N to not create a report. You also can specify if you want to add (A) to the file member, or replace (R) the existing member.

IFS report name

If you specified *IFS as the output type, enter a name for the report.