Edit Security Policy

The Edit Security Policy window allows you to view and modify the base security policy shipped with Powertech Compliance Monitor for IBM i, and to define custom policies.

How to Get There

Right-click the Consolidator and choose Edit Security Policy.


The Powertech Base Policy includes recommended security settings for system values, based on industry best practices. You can use this base policy as a template to define custom policies for your business. When you define a custom policy, you only need to specify the system value settings you want to change from the Base Policy. When you run an Assessment, Powertech Compliance Monitor for IBM i uses the values specified in the custom policy instead of those in the Base Policy.

Policies are hierarchical—child policies inherit from parent policies. New policies inherit from the Base Policy. See Creating Custom Policies for complete information.

Using the Edit Security Policy window, you can set allowed and required values for each system value and specify the importance (level of severity and number of points) to assign to a system value.

You define security policies at the Consolidator level. At the Endpoint level, you select the security policy that should apply to the Endpoint (either the Base Policy, or a custom policy you've defined). You can define multiple custom policies and assign them to multiple Endpoints.

Click Save to save any changes you've made to the Powertech Compliance Monitor for IBM i security policies. Click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes. A confirmation window displays asking you whether or not you want to save the changes you've made.