Database Monitor Configuration - Keys

This function defines the uniqueness of each file tracked by Database Monitor. It is important that each file that is setup in Database Monitor has its unique key defined. This is used to track data changes. The initial record change will load the entire record into Database Monitor. From that point on the key will define if a record has been tracked previously. If the record has been tracked, Database Monitor will only keep the fields that change. If the key defined to Database Monitor is not unique, Database Monitor may track an initial change to a record as a subsequent change, therefore not recording the entire record for the initial change.

There are no actions for this function. Simply enter a value next to the field or fields you wish to define as the unique key to this file. If more than one field make up the key, use a sequence of numbers, lowest to highest, to select and sequence the key fields.

Function key (Fkey) entries – IDT500-04

Function KeyShort DescriptionDescription



Exit the program


Available Keys

Pressing F4 will ask Database Monitor to review this file and all of it's dependents to show a list of key combinations which can be selected and used to define the unique key for this file



Refresh screen with any external changes



Press F12 to close the window and return to the file list.



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