IFS Utility Menu

Use this menu to work with IFS Utilities.

How to Get There

From the IFS Encryption Menu, choose option 21. Or, submit the command GO CRYPTO/CRYPTO14.


1. Start IFS Server Job (STRIFSENCJ)

Choose this option to open the Start IFS Encryption Job (STRIFSENCJ) panel, which submits the IFSENCJOB server job to batch.

2. End IFS Server Job (ENDIFSENCJ)

Choose this option to open the End IFS Server Job (ENDIFSENCJ) panel, which notifies any IFSENCJOB jobs to end.

3. Add IFS Exit Point Programs (ADDIFSEXTP)

Choose this option to open the Add IFS Exit Point Programs panel, which adds the exit programs for the QIBM_QP0L_SCAN_CLOSE, QIBM_QP0L_SCAN_OPEN and QIBM_QPWFS_FILE_SERV exit points. These programs will capture IFS-related events in order to encrypt/decrypt the files as needed.

4. Remove IFS Exit Point Programs (RMVIFSEXTP)

Choose this option to open the Remove IFS Exit Point Programs panel, which removes the exit programs for the QIBM_QP0L_SCAN_CLOSE, QIBM_QP0L_SCAN_OPEN and QIBM_QPWFS_FILE_SERV exit points.

5. Display IFS Debug Mode (DSPIFSDBG)

Choose this option to open the Display IFS Debug Mode panel, which allows authorized users to view the Debug Mode.

6. Change IFS Debug Mode (CHGIFSDBG)

Choose this option to open the Change IFS Debug Mode panel, which allows authorized users to change the IFS encryption debug mode.

7. Clear IFS Debug Log (CLRIFSLOG)

Choose this option to open the Clear IFS Debug Log panel, which clears all records from the CRPFIFSLOG Log File.