Work with Actions for Message Id screen

The objective of this routine is to configure the actions to be processed whenever specific activity is performed or has been detected.

How to Get There

From the Master Menu, choose 20, then 4. Select 12 for an option in the list.


Choose this option to change an existing action.

Choose this option to delete the selected action.

Choose this option to display details of the selected action.

Field Descriptions


The 'action type' for which the message action is to be performed.

The valid entries are:

*MSGQ The action will send a message to the message queue defined under 'Action Obj' and 'Location'.
*PGM A program will be called. The program and library are defined under 'Action Obj' and 'Location'.
*USRPRF The action will send a message to the User Profile defined under 'Action Obj' and 'Location'.
*WRKSTN The action will send a message to the workstation device defined under 'Action Obj' and 'Location'.
For Object

The object for which the action (type) is to be performed.


The library or format associated with the 'For Object'.

If the 'For Object' is an Exit Point name (i.e. behind WRKREGINF) the 'Lib/Format' will be the Exit Point Format. Otherwise, the Lib/Format will be the library that contains the 'For Object'.

Action Object

For example:

If the 'Action Type' is *MSGQ, the 'Action Object' should be a Message Queue name.


The location of the Actual Object.

Function Keys

F6 (Add): Create a new action item for the current Message Id. See Maintain Message Action Item.

F21 (List): Print a list of action items defined for the current Message Id.