Add a New User Accounts Policy Template screen

If you are modifying an existing User Accounts Policy Template, the title of this screen is "Modify template [template name]." This screen allows you to define a User Accounts Policy template, or modify an existing one.

How to get there

On the Manage Servers screen, click for the server whose policy you would like to add or modify. From the Servers and Policies screen, choose the User Accounts category and click New. Or to modify an existing template, click the template.

What it Does

Use these options to add a new User Accounts Policy Template for the selected server.

General tab


The name of the policy template.


Lists whether the server is Not checked , Not Compliant , or Compliant .

Checked On

Lists the date and time this template was most recently checked.

Enable CheckIt

Check this box to allow Security Auditor to check this value on the server to determine its status.

Enable FixIt

Check this box to allow Security Auditor to fix this value on the server (i.e. change it to match the template value).


This is the template description.


Enter notes here. Notes show up in reports and provide a place to explain the intent of defined policies.

Selections tab

Use these options to identify which user accounts to include in this template and which to omit (ignore).


Click this button to add additional user account selection criteria. A new row is added to the section below. The new criteria will be additive to the existing criteria, and not restrictive. In other words, each row defines a new criteria for users to be included or omitted in the selection. (The rows represent an 'or' and not an 'and' relationship.)

NOTE: Selection order can be rearranged by dragging rows up or down.
Select Using

Use this list to choose what criteria you would like to use to select the user account.

Comparison Value

Enter the value to compare with the criteria selected (e.g. the user logon name you want to include).

  • User Logon Name Primary Group Group Member. The user name can be specified exactly or using standard 'glob' characters {*, ?, [],}. Also the '!' character can be placed before the comparison value to get all users that don‘t match.
  • Days Inactive. Users who have not logged on in more days than the comparison value will be selected.
  • Days Since Password Change. Users who have not changed their password in more days than the comparison value will be selected.
  • UIDNo PasswordNon Unique UID. Integer values can be a single value, a set of values, a range or a set of ranges and values. A set of acceptable values are separated by the character ';' like 1;7;11. A range of acceptable values are separated by a ':' like 1:20. If an endpoint is missing (e.g. 500:) it implies all numbers less than or greater than the specified endpoint. A set of ranges and values are separated by both ';' and ':' like 1:20;25;30:35.
Include or Omit

Choose whether you want to include or omit user accounts that match this criteria.


Select (Remove) to delete the policy item, respectively.

Policies tab

Use the options on this tab to define your Policy. To set a policy, select the user account attribute then specify a value for the policy. Attributes selected will be checked when a compliance check is run. Attributes not selected will be ignored.

Existence: Allow New • Don't Allow New • None Allowed

If 'Allow New' then new instances of the user accounts selected will not be identified as out of compliance. If 'Don't Allow New' then new instances of the user accounts selected that are not in the baseline will be identified as out of compliance. (The baseline is created when the first compliance check (CheckIt) is run. Non-compliant (new) users can be accepted into the baseline after subsequent checks.) If 'None Allowed', any user accounts discovered on a compliance check are non-compliant.

Organize By: Category • List

Use these buttons to select how you would like to organize the attributes.

Linux User Account Attributes (Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, Oracle, SLES)

AIX User Account Attributes

Windows User Account Attributes

Compliance tab

This tab appears if CheckIt results exist, and shows the status of user accounts that have been checked.

Show Compliant

Check this box to show compliant records.


Use this button to run CheckIt, which performs a compliance check for the selected files.

Cancel • Save

Click Cancel to dismiss this screen without making changes. Click Save to save changes.


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