Preferences screen

Use this screen to make changes to Security Auditor's general and email server preferences.

How to get there

Choose Admin Tasks > Preferences.

General tab

Message Log Data

Delete Message Logs Older Than _ Days • Enabled

Enter a value here to automatically delete message logs older than the number of days specified. Check Enabled to activate this feature.

NOTE: This feature clears an internal message log and not the logs displayed in the Manage Logging screen (Admin Tasks > Manage Logging).


FixIt Test mode

When on FixIt generates reports of changes without modifying server values.


Maximum new files

This limits the maximum files returned by a Files Policy Template selection. See Files.

Windows User

These are the credentials used for logging in to a server when Default User and Password is chosen for "Connection Option" in the Add a New Server screen.


The Windows user ID for accessing managed servers.


The password for Windows user ID.


Failed Logins Limit

This sets the maximum number of failed logins before a user's account is disabled.

Email Server tab


This text will appear in the "from" field of the email message.


This text will appear in the subject of the email message.


This text will appear in the body of the email message.

smtp Server

This is the smtp server name or ip address.

NOTE: The "Default" SMTP server option of earlier versions of this software is no longer available. In order to send email from Security Auditor you need to define an SMTP server.
smtp Port

Mail clients generally submit outgoing emails to mail servers on port 587, which is the Security Auditor default setting.


The user name for the account on the specified smtp server (e.g. Jack).


The password for the specified user.


The email account to use (e.g.

Cloud Services tab

Polling Enabled

Check this box to enable polling. Cloud services polling monitors services like Amazon AWS to identify new server definitions. When it finds one, Security Auditor can automatically create new managed server definitions and link the servers to shared policy definitions for quick and easy setup. The monitored cloud services are defined on the Manage AWS Cloud Service Accounts screen.

Polling Interval (minutes)

Specify the frequency of queries to the service, in number of minutes.

Autoremove Unmatched Servers

Check this box to delete Managed Servers that were previously discovered/added for a Cloud Service Account when any of the following changes occur:

  • The server instance is deleted/removed from the cloud service.
  • The originating Cloud Service Account is deleted from Security Auditor.
  • The originating Filter is deleted from the Cloud Service Account in Security Auditor.
  • The server instance no longer matches the originating Instance Filter selection criteria (only for enabled filters).
  • The Filter selection/omission criteria has changed.
  • The server instance attributes have changed in the Cloud Service Account so the selection/omission no longer includes the server.
  • The Specific Regions selections processed by the filter have changed and does not include the region for server.
WARNING: When a Managed Server is automatically deleted, its accompanying Private Policy will also be deleted, if one exists. Shared Group Policies are retained by the Group definition.
Cancel • Save

Choose Cancel to dismiss the screen without making changes. Choose Save to save your settings.